
item #: SCP-2452

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures:There has only been one mean of containment of SCP-2452. SCP-2452 is currently hidden in the SCP TOP SECRET De-classification SCP level 6 locked file. In lieu of this, several alternative procedures have been established.only class A personnel can access the file. SCP-2452 is a computer virus that at this time have been the cause of 55 deaths in the last year. All people have been murdered SCP-2452 takes the identity of a person and corrupts them to make whoever it comes in contact with become non existent or creates a criminal record classed with murder,rape and blackmail among others things that could happen to the victims.
it is known that SCP-2452 has been able to copy itself over (unsuccessfully) making SCP-2452-A,SCP-2452-B and SCP-2452-C.
SCP-2452-A has as of the 22 of november changed the identity of 3 class D personnel to make them effectively died to the foundations system and locked out this is the same with all other versions of SCP-2452.
also it has been noted that SCP-2452 has had complex communication with SCP-079 with SCP-079 telling SCP-2452 how to make SCP-2452 A,B,C and is still finding out how to make better more complex version.
This is all that i known about SCP-2452 more testing is needed here.