
Item #: 2998
Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:
Item SCP-2998 must be kept inside a led container at all times. Item SCP-2998 has been proven that it can teleport through any object or material except for led and graphite. Item SCP-2998 can only be in contact with one person, if there are more than two human inside of the container with Item SCP-2998 it will immediately turn hostile and begin attacking every living object in the container.
Item SCP-2998 will be invisible through a camera, but it is visible to the human eye. Some one must always be staying in the room with SCP-2998 to make sure it does not attempt escaping. If SCP-2998 does attempt to escape a high pitched sound will play loudly through out the room with a speaker, when SCP-2998 hears a highly pitched sound it collapses and doesn't move for 14 minutes and 31 seconds to 22 minutes and 47 seconds. Item SCP-2998 is 1.7 meters tall in total. It's arms are taller than it's body, the arms are 1.9 meters tall and they have a total of 4 joints per arm. Item SCP-2998 was found in India, where it came from is unknown. Item SCP-2998 was contained on the date 6/17/2014 at 9:37 PM.