Corzix - SCP-3336 - "The Nightwalkers"

Item #: SCP-3336

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3336 patrols an 8 kilometer area located at X.██, Y.██. All attempts to remove SCP-3336 from its guarded location have failed, this is due to SCP-3336 immediately returning to its previous location in patrol after reaching approximately 8 kilometers away from the guarded area. The only form of containment the foundation has been able to supply is a fence that stretches the entire area guarded by SCP-3336. The fence is 10 meters high and is located approximately 2 kilometers away from the 8 kilometer radius guarded by SCP-3336. The border that was put up is under constant video surveillance and armed watched.

Description: SCP-3336 consists of 5 humanoid creatures hereby labeled SCP-3336-1 to SCP-3336-5. Samples taken from SCP-3336 confirm that all 5 creatures are made entirely of Luciano malo wood. standing at 182.8 Meters tall, with a large glowing “face” that is approximately 10 meters in diameter. The limbs on the creature make up a majority of its body mass, with each arm being approximately 100 meters long, ending with branch like fingers that coil around each other. The “face” produces a large beam of extremely luminescent light, that lights up a diameter of 10 meters up to 250 meters away.

SCP-3336 seems to constantly patrol the area around X.██, Y.██. Any attempt to go enter the area guarded by SCP-3336 is met with immediate response from one of the subjects. Each attempt to enter will be met with being picked up by one of SCP-3336 and gently placed outside of the area being guarded. SCP-3336 appears to attempt to not harm anyone or anything that comes into contact with it, but simply to move it out of the way. Attempts to build a containment area anywhere closer than 2 kilometers away from the guarded site have failed due to one of SCP-3336 moving and or destroying the build attempt. Any attempt to move or lure SCP-3336 fails after reaching 8 kilometers away from the area. After reaching this point, SCP-3336 will immediately return to its previous area in the patrol.

The contents and importance of the area patrolled by SCP-3336 is completely unknown. efforts to view via satellite imagery has been unsuccessful due to the dense foliage. Attempts to move into the area on foot or in vehicles has ended by one of SCP-3336 picking up and moving anybody or anything outside of the patrolled area. Reports from those exposed to these creatures has stated such things as feeling nauseous, being light headed, and tasting burning rubber in the air. Tests have confirmed that there is a higher than normal level of radiation inside the area caused by either the site or SCP-3336 itself.