SCP 4001

Object#: SCP 4001 "Naho Senoki"

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP 4001 is to be kept locked in a room with a television, a couch, lights and a toilet with a shower and a sink. SCP 4001 is to have food replaced every day. SCP 4001 is to interact with any Class D and MTF Units.

Description: SCP 4001 is a black haired purple eyed 25 year old girl who looks Japanese and wears a school uniform. she wears glasses. she is a purple ghost that could possess any substances around SCP 4001.

Dr. Nikolai: So tell me SCP 4001 what is your name?

SCP 4001: I was named Naho Senoki.

Dr. Nikolai: *writes*

D-9134: Uhh doc are you *Screams and struggles as SCP 4001 chokes D-9134 and starts running towards Dr. Nikolai*

Dr. Nikolai: What the-?

As of after the microphone cut off it was a result of Dr.Nikolai and D-9134's death

MTF units had to take Dr. Nikolai and D-9134's body and buried them