Scp draft I guess
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in an extensively secure containment locker. Surveillance of SCP-XXXX must be on 24/7, as to make sure no personnel enter or use SCP-XXXX. It is to be under full surveillance at all times. Personnel (including D-Class) are not to be in contact with SCP-XXXX for any reason. Any person or persons in the cell is to be punished to the fullest extent allowed by the SCP Foundation, and kept for questioning on how and why they accessed SCP-XXXX.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a blue plastic clickable button. Activation of the button will emit a low buzzing noise, that is exetremely loud, and can be heard even through soundproof doors. It will repeat and change frequencies randomly until pressed again. If a subject activates SCP-XXXX, throughout the duration of the "buzzing" sound, subject will likely be infected with numerous diseases, viruses, and infections. The subject has approximately 6 minutes and 40 seconds to deactivate SCP-XXXX (by pressing the button again), until they become deceased, and SCP-XXXX will emit the diseases to personnel standing by in a 20 meter radius, expanding in a matter of seconds. SCP-XXXX can eventually infect every human on earth if not deactivated in time. The button will not turn off by pressing it again for anyone except the subject. If the subject has become deceased before pressing the button again, the buzzing effect will become distorted and the diseases will still spread. Testing is to be NEVER permitted again, after the last incident, (see Testing Log-A) and will never be allowed. Unauthorized testing is to be, again, punished to the fullest extent granted.

Addendum: SCP-XXXX was recovered on ███████, ██ on ████. SCP-XXXX was discovered and retrieved from a Federal Bureau Warehouse in Manhattan. Initial recovery of SCP-XXXX included a letter of recognition (SCP-XXXX-1) for a Charles █████. Evidence of the existence of this man was inconclusive.

Letter of recognition attached to SCP-XXXX

Thank you for participating in Extreme Medical Testing!
Charles █████
You have been awarded for Unwilling Cooperation by Dr. ████████
Date: ██/█/████ Signature: █████

Note: A yellow substance was stained into SCP-XXXX-1, presumed to be stomach acid, yellow due to from exposure to SCP-XXXX.
Records of an 'Extreme Medical Testing' are nowhere to be found in the Federal Bureau records as to date.

Testing Log-A:
Dr.██████: D-XXXX, please enter the testing chamber.
Foreword: D-XXXX enters.
Dr.██████:Please press the button, D-XXXX.
Foreword: D-XXXX activates SCP-XXXX
Foreword: SCP-XXXX emits a low buzzing noise, heard through the soundproof doors.
Foreword: D-XXXX begins to shake his head.
Foreword: 2-3 minutes later, D-XXXX's head begins to slow its shaking. D-XXXX begins coughing, almost immediately. D-XXXX has passed the 6 minutes and 40 second precaution.
Dr.██████: D-XXXX, are you okay? Please tell us what is happening.
Foreword: D-XXXX does not respond, still slowly shaking his head. D-XXXX's skin begins to fall off.
Dr.██████: Jesus Christ, his skin! Send a guard in! Now!
Foreword: Agent ████████ enters SCP-XXXX's containment chamber to attempt turning off the SCP-XXXX, but the buzzing noise continues.
Foreword: SCP-XXXX's buzzing noise increases in frequencies as D-XXXX falls onto the floor.
Foreword: Agent ████████ presses D-XXXX's right hand onto the button, stopping the noise, almost immediately.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: D-XXXX was diagnosed with an extreme respitory infection, and the subjects' stomach acid was metamorphed into a yellow liquid. A cleaning crew is dispatched immediately.