SCP-610-J "Unprofessional Emotion"
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Item #: SCP-610-J

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: While containment has proven difficult, local Mobile Tasks Forces have been notified to be alert for instances of SCP-610-J-1. When an instance of SCP-610█-J-1 is located, they are to be relocated to the psychological ward in Foundation Site-██ for a full psychological evaluation and rehabilitation. Foundation personnel are to avoid interaction with victims of SCP-610-J, except for Foundation psychologists, who are to be administered Class-A amnestics after each day of rehabilitation for the SCP-610-J instance.

Description: SCP-610-J is a poorly-understood psychological response to varying stimuli, causing increased energy and enthusiasm in the patient, who are referred to as SCP-610-J-1. Other noteworthy attributes of SCP-610-J-1 instances are facial distortions where the ends of the mouth are raised. When questioned, the individual with SCP-610-J will refer to this expression as a "smile", often directed at any of a number of stimuli.

Such triggers of SCP-610-J may include:

  • Rewards for a job well done
  • Pleasant interactions with others, especially between two individuals who consider themselves "in a close relationship"
  • Consuming foods regarded by an individual as "delicious" or "scrumptious"
  • Earning an achievement in or winning certain forms of interactive entertainment
  • Interacting with media deemed entertaining by individuals

Addendum 01: Upon discovering the effects of SCP-610-J, the highest-ranking officials of the Foundation have expressed their sheer disdain and/or disgust for SCP-610-J, with a few exceptions. Some requests for the destruction and/or complete prevention of SCP-610-J have been made, but these were denied by O5, who, despite clearly hating SCP-610-J, recognize that there is more to learn about this abomination occurrence

Addendum 02: Remote explorations have discovered a small village in central Siberia, who referred to themselves as "W██s", and their town as "W██ville". Large quantities of SCP-610-J have been detected here, and all citizens have been designated as instances of SCP-610-J-1. Instead of typical containment procedures, due to their vast numbers, a permanent barrier has been constructed around the village while being kept out of view by local inhabitants.

Further analysis suggests that they become more concentrated in an annual celebration where large amounts of affection and gifts are shared among the inhabitants, who call this vile communion of filth tradition "C████████". Among all site staff, it has been suggested that these gifts are one of the greater sources of SCP-███-J, and have been given the designation SCP-610-J-2.

Addendum 03: As a possible solution to the outbreak of SCP-610-J in W██ville, Mobile Task Force Gamma-28 "Mean Ones", was organized to confiscate and destroy all instances of SCP-610-J-2 before the typical beginning of this celebration. All members of this task force were required to dress as the town's local hero "S████", for maximum stealth. As soon as all civilians of W██ville were presumed asleep, MTF Gamma-28 moved into the town. During this procedure, there was minimal exposure, and the few instances of SCP-610-J-1 who discovered MTF Gamma-28 were given the cover story that their gifts were faulty and being sent for swift repairs. After the cover story was given, the SCP-610-J-1s were given glasses of water with Class-A amnestics and sent back to rest. After all gifts and symbols of the holiday were collected, they were gathered at the top of the local Mt. C██████ and were almost ready to destroy the artifacts. However, by the time the citizens of the town awoke, they gathered in the center of town and began chanting in harmony. MTF Gamma-28 was utterly dumbfounded that, despite the lack of material goods, they were able to fi[DATA CORRUPTED]. MTF Gamma-28 soon succumbed to the effects of SCP-610█-J, and were registered as instances of SCP-610-J-1. MTF Gamma-28 then started to return all gifts to the citizens, who welcomed the MTF with open arms. When notified of this change, O5 immediately and completely disbanded and decomissioned.

Well, dammit! Millions of dollars to arm and instruct professionals were wasted on this… this… actually I kind of like this -Dr ███████

Additional Note:
As of 1/1/19██, Dr ███████ has been designated as an instance of SCP-610-J-1, and proper Special Containment Procedures are underway.