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Item #: 42069

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-42069 is to be kept in its containment cell indefinitely. Research into nullifying SCP-42069's cognitohazardous effects is ongoing. Until then, no direct contact with SCP-42069 is allowed without O5 authorization. To minimize the effects of SCP-42069, descriptions of SCP-42069 are limited to Level 4 or above personnel with adequate cognito-, memetic-, or info-hazard resistance training.

Description: SCP-42069 is a ████████ entity ████████████, approximately ████████. SCP-42069's upper body consists of ███████████████████ ████ a █████. SCP-42069s lower body is that of a █████████ ████████████, approximately █████████. Any awareness of SCP-42069 causes symptoms of its cognitohazardous effect to occur, with greater awareness causing greater symptoms. SCP-42069 can emerge from any opened cellar or attic door. The statistical chance of any SCP-42069 manifestations is approximately █.███x10^-██%, making it extremely hard to locate. SCP-42069 can then de-manifest similarly through any cellar or attic door. Analysis of rooms after de-manifestation show no traces of SCP-42069. SCP-42069 displays a strong cognitohazard which affects any subjects aware and/or in proximity to SCP-42069. Subjects affected by SCP-42069 experience symptoms of overwhelming fear, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, and paranoia. All of which cause subjects to lose all motor control, effectively paralyzing them. During this time, SCP-42069 will start █████████ any subjects within its line of sight.

Acquisition Log:
SCP-42069 was initially contained in ██████, a small town of ████ in rural ██████, ███. SCP-42069 emerged from a cellar door at ██:██ near █████ street. Local law enforcement was called in after several car crashes in the area. SCP-42069 subsequently ████████ ██ officers and continued down █████ street towards ██████'s more populated center. MTF-Sigma-12 was called in after an automatic distress signal was received from an embedded Foundation agent in ██████. SCP-42069 was contained by MTF-Sigma-12 after a two day long mission in which ████ civilians and ██ MTF Agents were killed. Class A amnestics were given to all survivors and information on ██████'s population was altered accordingly.

Addendum 42069-12-A:11/██/████
Testing SCP-42069 with SCP-████ to nullify cognitohazardous effects approved by O5-█.

Addendum 42069-12-B: 12/██/████
Testing SCP-42069 with SCP-████ begins. If Dr. ██████'s theory is correct, SCP-████ should nullify SCP-42069's effect almost entirely, making contai