SCP-XXXX - The Smoke and The Factory (draft 2)
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Item #: SCP-3127/SCP-3127-1

Object Class: Euclid/Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3127-1 is to be contained within a 12 x 12 x 3 24 x 24 x 12 meter airtight cell. Chamber cameras must be monitoring SCP-3127-1 at all times even when a containment breach takes place1. SCP-3127-1 must be fed everyday via the ventilation system. If SCP-3127-1 escapes all personnel within a 120m radius are to evacuate the site immediately. If SCP-3127-1 escapes Site-██ it must be found and captured through a 16 x 12 x 4 meter vacuum chamber carried by a squad of 67 choppers2 until SCP-3127-1 is deemed fit to be carried back to Site-██. If SCP-3127-1 made its way to a major city, SCP-3127-1 is to be contained and carried back to Site-██, all civilians who have seen SCP-3127-1 or any trace of the Foundation, they are to be given a class-B amnestic and must be re-educated by insertion of a chip into the brain stem due to complaints. If SCP-3127-1 sneaked out of the Foundation without notice, SCP-XXXX would cause the biggest drop in population caused by an SCP cusing a XC world ending scenario.

Description: SCP-3127 (Now renamed to SCP-3127-1) is what appears to be a sentient cloud of carbon dioxide (CO2) with the volume of 86 meters3. If the subject inhales SCP-XXXX for more than thirteen minutes at a time, the subject will die from asphyxiation. SCP-3127-1 seems to multiply itself for thirteen minutes until the carbon dioxide starts layering itself and become thicker making it harder for the subject to breathe until they're physically unable to breathe. SCP-3127-1 seems to not be able to be tracked through the gas left in the lungs or in any organ involved within the respiration cycle including the cells (please see Addendum-3127-2)


Location of Recovery.

History: SCP-3127-1 was recovered at a ███████ ██████████ made factory4 in the middle of a residential zone in a small town by the name of ████ ██████ approximately 196.0 miles away from ███ █████. Was discovered after two years of multiple residents one mile around the factory were dying in their homes.

Addendum 3127-1-1: SCP-3127-1 seems to not able be separated by any force, that includes wind and physical means of transportation.8

Addendum 3127-1-2: SCP-3127-1 appears to feed off of the subjects it has killed by what seems to be stealing the oxygen from the oxygenated cells.9

Addendum 3127-1-3: SCP-3127-1 has been shown to grow seven centimeters every cell consumed by SCP-3127-1.