Angier SCP (Radio Magnifier)
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Photo of object at ground zero.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a containment unit measuring 5m x 3m x 5m at a secure site at least 1km away from any form of civilization. The unit must be a 3-layer construction comprised of 2 layers of 30cm thick concrete separated by a 1mm layer of aluminum. A doorway is constructed similarly so as to not allow radio waves in or out of the unit. No audio or video surveillance or communication devices are allowed within the unit. 1 guard will be posted in the lobby in front of the door to the object.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a construction of unknown material measuring 1m in diameter and weighing 85kg. It is surrounded by a black material similar in flexibility to plastic, but can withstand much more heat and pressure. The layer of black material comes to multiple points around the top where it opens to reveal the dome inside. The dome is made of an unknown material that can conduct heat and electricity very well. The top of the dome is peeled away, possibly from impact, but it seems to have scratches that would not be indicative of entry burn.

When SCP-XXXX is in the path of radio waves, it begins to emit a frequency of 1000Hz. This frequency greatly increases to over 13000Hz after 30 minutes of continued exposure. The auditory range of the frequency is a massive 300m, causing even those not in visible range to be affected. This frequency would normally not affect anyone adversely, but prolonged proximity to this object while radio waves are directed at it causes severe headaches and migraines. After approximately 30 minutes, those in audible range begin to suffer from heightened headaches. After approximately 20 more minutes, the subject suffers permanent brain damage and lesions. Finally, after 10 more minutes, the brain of the subject swells and explodes. This affect is seen in all creatures that can hear and is stronger in those with a heightened sense of hearing or more sensitive receptors.

Technology in the surrounding area is also affected by SCP-XXXX’s frequency. All forms of electronic communication in range receive interference when SCP-XXXX is receiving radio waves. Any radios or devices that can pick up radio frequencies further broadcast the sound causing a chain reaction that magnifies the audible range. In addition to this echoing phenomenon, all systems that store information electronically slowly become corrupted. The longer the exposure to the sound, the more data is altered and deleted.

SCP-XXXX was brought into Foundation custody ██/██/2014 when Foundation planetary defense spotted a large object on a collision course with Earth. The object landed in ██████████, China, a poor farming village. As the retrieval crew began the transportation process, members of the crew started to complain of headaches and migraines. The crew was almost to the secure site when they [REDACTED]. Foundation staff was notified and another crew was sent to investigate. The second crew noticed nothing strange and finished transporting the object to the secure site where, upon arrival, ██████████ ███████ in the facility were interrupted, almost causing a ███████████ ██████ if it were not for the failsafe measures in place.