Happy Flower by ScrollTailor
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SCP-XXXX located in its habitat before being contained.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The specimen is to be contained in a glass terrarium that is at least 120cm tall and 80cm in diameter. The air inside the terrarium must be regularly circulated and filtered using special equipment in order to keep the specimen alive and to ensure no vapors are released into the air. The specimen’s seeds in the collected air must later be burned to prevent SCP-XXXX’s further multiplication. The SPC-XXXX must be watered on weekly basis. The specimen is to be kept under a light bulb of a strength of 1200 Initial Lumens for nourishment. The subject should not be approached without air filtering masks to avoid inhaling its vapors. Air from the inside of terrarium should not be released into the open.

Description: The specimen is a white chrysanthemum Icicles; “spider” type. It is about 98cm tall and the flower head is 21.3cm in diameter. It acquires the usual characteristics of chrysanthemum of its type. However, there have been records of specimen growing in uncommon for chrysanthemum locations such as rocks and stones under bridges.
The specimen regularly emits vapors, which when inhaled, block the production of several hormones in human’s body such as Gamma Amino Butyric Acid, Norepinephrine, Dopamine, and Endorphins. Other effects are hypothesized to exist, however, further research for factualization is required.
Subjects that are exposed to SCP-XXXX’s vapors are observed to have changes in behavior after 3 minutes of exposure. After the specified time the subjects show symptoms similar to severe depression as well as extreme panic and anxiety as revealed via individual psychoanalysis. Subjects have been attempting suicide by all mean possible within reach. Class D-████ has reportedly shattered his skull on his cell’s wall.
Subjects exposed to specimen’s vapors for more than 6 minutes have been reported to have their senses to be extremely hypersensitive to the point of pain. Lights, sounds and any physical body contacts have been causing severe pain to the subjects.
After being exposed to vapors for longer than 13 minutes, subjects pain perceptions have further escalated. Subjects reported experiencing pain from breathing and claimed to feel pain from their own heartbeat. At this stage, psychoanalysis has shown to be impossible to conduct due to subject’s inability to communicate because of pain. Subjects exposed to SCP-XXXX for longer than the specified time have reportedly died by pain shock. No subject has survived after being exposed to the SCP-XXXX vapors for more than 17 minutes.
SCP-XXXX has the capacity to multiply by releasing its seeds into the air. Its seeds are carried by airflow to different locations. Which upon landing on a surface, start to grow. Before ██/██/████, specimen was contained in a standard chamber with additional air filtering. However, there have been documented 3 more specimens growing on the interior walls of the chamber. After the incident, the SCP-XXXX was placed under the present containment conditions and all additional specimens of the SCP-XXXX have been destroyed.


Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge: the location SCP-XXXX was discovered.

Addendum: Multiple specimens of the SPC-XXXX have been found under Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge in the province of Nanjing in China after reports of abnormal suicide rates. First researchers that have discovered the SCP-XXXX have been reported to [REDACTED] due to the absence of air filtering masks. All other SCP-XXXX’s have been destroyed via burning in [DATA EXPUNGED].