SCP-3978 - Eater of Memories
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Item #: SCP-3878

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-3978 is kept in a secure room at Site-█ with minimum leisure facilities.

1: All personnel interacting with SCP-3978 in any physical way are required to wear modified class IV BNC suits with at least 2 inch thickness covering the entire body with absolutely no skin being exposed.

2. Before any personnel are to be assigned procedures related to SCP-3978, they must pass memory trial T-1705 and give detailed descriptions of the past █ days on date the procedure is carried out.

3: In case of contact with SCP-3978, Personnel in question are required to re-answer T-1705 test to establish if memory has been damaged.

4. Subject must be "fed" using Class D personnel who will watch two films of their choice.

NOTE: Subject has made several escape attempts and therefore all outdoor recreation time has been recinded and subject is to remain in 24 hour lockdown.

Description: SCP-3978 is a tall caucasian human male claiming to be 27 years old with dirty blonde hair and pale blue eyes. Subject claims to be named Sean ███████, though no records of a person with this name can be found and subject speaks in a confused accent comprised of a mix of many worldwide linguistic terms. Subject has remnants of past jewelry piercings on the nose, ears and lower lip. Subject cannot be photographed as over time all instances of SCP-3978 in photograhical form, both digital and physical, fades completely without trace. Subject claims he does not remember how he obtained his anomalous capabilities and can only remember back to the date ██/██/██45 where [REDACTED]

Note: Though it is possible subject is fabricating this story, subject has has obtained unknown amounts of knowledge from many forms of life and this must be taken into account.

Subject was was discovered in ████████, Scotland on February 24th 2012 when the Foundation was alerted to the high number of amnesiacs and [REDACTED] that sprung up in the area. Local police were alerted to a high profile resident, Mr ██████ ████████, who went missing. (See Addendum 2)

Subject initially complied with all interviews and testing, but over time it became apparent its outward demeanor was a facade and has shown to be extremely manipulative, cold and cunning. Subject has expressed contempt for its containment and attempted escape on ██ occasions. It has also cost the lives of ██ personnel and left 12 in irreversible comas.

SCP-3978 has the ability to remove any person's memories it wishes at will through contact with bare skin anywhere on the body, it seems to be able to feed through thin clothing, such as tights, though the process is slowed significantly. Subject states it simply "thinks" about a memory it wants to take, but cannot remove specific memories without a detailed description. Contact with hair, eyes or teeth results in subject failing to remove a memory. With this the subject "feeds" off the contacted party and leaves blank holes in memory leading to paranoia, confusion and other feelings associated with dementia. SCP-3978 has claimed to only remove memories of itself and its location when evading police. Subject has also stated it doesn't retain the taken memories, merely receiving satisfaction upon said memories being ingested, though contradictory statements from it along with it's vast knowledge suggest otherwise.

If a period of 1 week goes by and the subject has not "fed" on any new memories, it will go through a period of extreme pain in it's abdomen region and express symptoms of impulsivity, irritability and hyperactivity. In interviews the subject has compared this feeling to starvation. If subject is deprived of memories for ██ days it will enter a state of extreme pain, screaming and falling into the fetal position before a psychic wave erupts from its location, surging approximately 150 metres.

All humans caught in this wave shall suddenly enter a state of rage and attack all other humans in sight in order to clear a path for SCP-2476's escape. It is advised to never allow subject to enter this state again due to loss of life and escape of subject. After approximately 17 minutes, affected humans shall fall into comas that last between 3 - █ months, caused by irrepairable brain degredation.

It has been shown the subject is also able to create new memories but only in the form of intense negative trauma which are designed to ignite feelings of panic and fear in the victim as a sort of defence mechanism, though the subject has shown it can inflict these at will. Victim of the subjects psychic wave are theorised to be initially influenced through this ability. Officer ███████ stated his mind slowly became flushed with "non-stop screaming and brutal" acts including a false memory of himself being tortured and ████████ by a large clown.

It is currently unknown how much "time" of these memories SCP-2476 must ingest but due to larger gaps in Class D personnel's memories (and increase of films for subject to ingest from 1 to 2 since containment) it is suggested subject is requiring more and more to stave off an incident of another wave. Subject claims when taking memories of the same film more than once does not fully satisfy it and so a new film shall be supplied whenever a memory is required to be taken.

Addendum 1: It has been put forward that subject's abilities would be useful in dealing with containment breaches, keeping the secretive nature of the foundation and an alternative to termination of subjects. However due to SCP-foetal's constant attempts to escape, unruly attitude towards confinement and untrustworthy nature, use of subjects abilities are for now confined to testing and feeding only.

Addendum 2: Field agents sent to investigate found that despite Mr ████████'s disappearance local authorities had no recollection of ever checking the missing victims place of residence. When field agents, accompanied by 3 local police officers, went to check the victims house, inside they found SCP-3978 who was initially friendly until questioned severely at which point SCP-3978 attempted to grab two of the officers and a struggle ensued. Officer James ██████ held SCP-2476 down while the other agents searched the house to find Mr ████████. Officer James ██████ subsequently entered a state of rage around 3 minutes after this and knocked out the subject with a punch before having to be tasered by fellow officers at the scene. In the upstairs bedroom, agents found Mr ████████ lying on his bed in a near catatonic state. His housekeeper, Miss Violeta ████████, was found tied to a chair with her mouth duct taped shut beside him, but otherwise unharmed. Both had been locked in the room but had been fed by SCP-3978 in order to further their life-spans. Miss ████████ memory was subsequently modified following SCP-3978's containment through foundation means.

Addendum 3: When subjects abilities were tested on animals, it claimed to get almost no-satisfaction from consuming test subjects memories. The subjects mind was clearly being manipulated however as during testing with West Highland White Terrier breed of canine. Test subject was left completely void of thought and became comatose once SCP-3978 thought about removing the entire test subjects mind.

Document #3978-1: It as been brought to my attention that many Personnel have opted testing with SCP-3978 in order to ask it to remove bad memories of ex-lovers, embarrassing situations and trauma. If you would like to put forward yourself for testing with SCP-3978 then I advise you to come and talk to myself or Dr ████████ for consideration.
- Dr ██

Document #3978-Log12: Recorded transcript of conversation with SCP-2476