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Clearance Level 2: Clearance
Containment Class: euclid
Secondary Class: {$secondary-class}
Disruption Class: #/ekhi
Risk Class: #/warning
SCP-XXXX, in typical form, as seen from the observation room adjacent its containment cell.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a 2x2x2 meter containment room composed of seamless concrete on all surfaces, with the exception of one (1) airlock-style entrance. The airlock-style entrance is to be composed of two (2) electronically locked, air-tight steel doors integrated into the concrete wall, spaced one (1) meter apart. At no point may both air-tight doors be open at the same time. The cell is to be equipped with a video camera and a light source whose intensity should not exceed the minimum necessary for staff to visually confirm the presence of the object within the cell.

Adjacent to the containment cell is an auxiliary room. This room is to remain connected to the containment cell via a plexiglass window four (4) centimeters thick. The auxiliary room is to remain equipped with a light source that will allow ambient light to enter the containment cell. The intensity of this light should not exceed the minimum required to visually confirm SCP-XXXX's presence within its containment room. The entrance to the auxiliary room must also be air-tight.

The doors leading into SCP-XXXX's containment cell should be monitored at all times by a external security camera as well as an external thermal imaging camera. The doors themselves may only be opened remotely from the security office. Twice daily, containment of SCP-XXXX must be verified by a security guard. The guard assigned to this task must be equipped with a flashlight, and will radio a request to the security office to open the outermost air-tight door. The security office will then open the outer door, allow the guard in, and then close the door behind them before opening the inner door. The guard will not enter the cell. The guard will verbally confirm the presence of SCP-XXXX within its cell to the security office, and will request that the inner door be closed. The security office will close the inner door. The guard will verbally confirm that SCP-XXXX did not follow him beyond the inner door and will request that the outer door be opened. The security office will verify that the guard's heat signature is present and normal before opening the outer door. The guard will exit, and the outer door will again be closed. The security office is not to open the doors to SCP-XXXX's cell at any other time, or under any other circumstances than what is described above.

Description: SCP-XXXX refers to an entity which is most commonly observed as a dark gray, amorphous cloud of gas or fine particulate with incomplete human bone structure suspended within. The level of completion of the skeletal structure varies, but a partial skull and rib cage are almost always present. It is also possible for SCP-XXXX to present no bone structure at all, under which condition it is able to navigate through any barriers that are not air-tight. The object is further capable of mimicking a complete human body, generating not only a complete skeleton but also soft tissue (albeit still lacking any color). This, however, can only be generated by SCP-XXXX within a short time period (approximately 24 days) after it has performed a manual vivisection on a human subject, whose likeness SCP-XXXX will be replicating in its humanoid state. These vivisections are performed methodically across a representative sample of the human subject's body without the aid of tools, and to date no victims are known to have survived this. SCP-XXXX's ability to change between these states is voluntary.

Attempts at collecting a sample of SCP-XXXX have been unsuccessful, as it seems impossible to separate a portion of the gaseous material from SCP-XXXX. The object is notably photosensitive, with substantial light exposure causing more erratic behavior. This draws a contrast to the object's typically docile demeanor in containment. The effect that light has on SCP-XXXX has been observed to decrease as SCP-XXXX presents more complete human anatomy. SCP-XXXX is believed to be intelligent.

Discovery & Initial Containment
The first documented activity of SCP-XXXX is believed to be a cold case police file from ██/██/1998, which describes an individual living nearby to Analomink, Pennsylvania, United States, who was found deceased by family members. The individual's nearly-unrecognizable body was covered in large, open wounds that looked as if they were created by claws of some sort rather than a straight-edged weapon; the extent of the damage inflicted on the body, however, was too great to be easily rationalized as an animal attack. The home had no signs of forced entry, no murder weapon was found, and no foreign fingerprints or other identifying features were ever discovered. The death was considered an accident or homicide, and the resulting police investigation never resulted in a conviction. Similar occurrences appeared in various police reports in multiple US states following this initial incident. This was interpreted and sensationalized in national media as the likely work of a serial killer, inspiring some level of hysteria among the general public and the involvement of the American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The Foundation had tasked MTF Gamma-12 "SCP Noire" with an investigation into the string of events, to assess whether or not anomalous forces were at play, and if so, to determine the nature of the anomaly. MTF Gamma-12 connected the deaths with supposed cryptid sightings discussed on obscure internet forums, which described a 'shadow creature' or similar phenomena. The descriptions found within these forums were cross-examined against Foundation intelligence from several Groups of Interest. The timeline of events was noted to coincide with the messy dissolution of Prometheus Labs, Incorporated, which had owned a lab in ███████████, Pennsylvania that had been abandoned upon the company's abrupt demise. However, American successor companies to Prometheus denied the existence of any such anomalies in the former Prometheus operations. Alternatively, an artifact discovered from another GOI, Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting, which was known to operate in Pennsylvania, advertised a "shapeshifting" attraction known as "The Elusive Jimmy Bones."

At the conclusion of this investigation, MTF Gamma-12 turned over their findings to Agent Carter Walsh, Assistant Director of Task Forces at Site-81. Agent Walsh turned all relevant information over to MTF Mu-13 "Ghostbusters," tasking them with the containment of SCP-XXXX. MTF Mu-13 executed a successful capture of the object on 11/09/1999 and transported it to Site-81 for permanent containment. A cover story was distributed to media outlets describing the conviction of the killer responsible for the murders, and amnestics were administered to relevant figures within the FBI. Full details on the findings of MTF Gamma-12's investigation and the subsequent capture by MTF Mu-13 can be found in Addendum XXXX.1

Addendum B: Containment Breach Report 03/29/00
On 03/29/00 at 18:16, SCP-XXXX was observed to float near the top of its cell. After four hours and eighteen minutes in this position, the object breached containment by escaping through the light fixture in the ceiling of its containment cell. The air-tight seal between the fixture and the ceiling itself was disrupted; at this time, it is believed that SCP-XXXX had tampered with the fixture so as to allow itself an escape. Research and administrative staff were evacuated, and the site was placed on lockdown. SCP-XXXX proceeded to travel inside the walls of the Site-81 before later emerging. The object was found on 03/30/00 at 00:48 by a member of security staff in one of the site's item locker bays. It had disabled the lights in the area and was observed manipulating SCP-2980 through the vents in its standard containment locker. SCP-XXXX did not acknowledge the security officer, and continued to mess with the locker while backup proceeded to SCP-XXXX's location. Using handheld light sources, security personnel shepherded the object into a temporary chamber that had been outfitted by containment engineers on-site.

This event highlights the unique challenges that air-tight containment poses. SCP-XXXX's accommodations must never be connected with the rest of the facility by any channel that cannot be reliably and permanently sealed to the air. The light and camera fixtures presently inside XXXX's containment cell require an external electrical connection, and as a result, will always present a risk of compromising containment. As a result, the containment procedure has been updated removing these fixtures. The holes from the old electrical hookups for these devices will be filled. Upon consultation with containment specialists, we're going to reorganize the space and set up a small adjacent room to be connected to the containment cell only by a thick, airtight plexiglass window. This adjacent room will allow ambient light to enter XXXX's cell and give us the opportunity to directly observe the specimen during testing, circumventing the need for integrated light and camera fixtures within the containment cell itself. As a failsafe, this adjacent room will have an air-tight door much like the containment chamber does.

Addendum B: Experimental Reports

Dr. Michael Sweets (Level 3) is currently overseeing all testing involving SCP-3846. Additional testing may be recommended by Level 2 or higher clearance personnel and conducted at Dr. Sweets' discretion.

Test 01 - 08/13/1999
Subjects: N/A
Procedure: SCP-3846 was transferred to a testing chamber capable of pressurization. It was exposed to high vacuum conditions for 15 minutes, followed by a sustained pressure of 50 bar for 15 minutes.
Results: SCP-3846 moved about the chamber over the course of the 30 minute test duration, but exhibited no change of state. The gaseous component of SCP-3846 maintained its cohesion even in high vacuum, and high pressure likewise failed to have a noticeable effect.

Test 02 - 08/14/1999
Subjects: N/A
Procedure: SCP-3846 was transferred to a testing chamber with temperature controls. It was exposed to temperatures ranging from 35-500K over the course of two hours.
Results: No change in solidity was observed. SCP-3846 appeared to huddle in the corner in cold environments while sprawling on the floor in high heat.

Test 03 - 10/20/1999
Subjects: N/A
Procedure: SCP-3846's chamber was fitted with a light bulb of variable intensity. Starting in complete darkness, it was gradually exposed to the whole range of the bulb's capabilities (150 watt maximum) over the course of 30 minutes.
Results: At the lowest light levels, SCP-3846 showed no signs of solidity and did not exhibit any imitation bone structure. As light intensity increased (roughly 20 to 65 watts) the rudimentary elements of a torso and head became visible, including a rib cage and skull suspended in the dark gray mass of gas. At roughly 65-90 watts, SCP-3846 did not exhibit further changes in state, but began moving around the room more erratically. Beyond 90 watts, it underwent irregular mutations - forming bones, limbs, and organs that were not correct human anatomy. These extra body parts would not persist, however; they would frequently dissipate back into the mass of gas and be replaced by new random mutations. Its state remained unstable and its behavior remained erratic as light intensity continued to increase up to the maximum 150 watts.
Researcher's notes: Now we're onto something. Lights at the high end of normal household use had a clear negative effect on 3846. Could it be that light induces changes in SCP-3846's composition - perhaps painfully so? More testing might give us the answer.

Test 04 - 02/01/2000
Subjects: N/A
Procedure: SCP-3846 was transported to a testing chamber that was divided down the middle by a watertight, but not airtight barrier. It was released into the side of the room which had a 100 watt light bulb. The other side of the barrier had no lights. Testing began when the light was turned on.
Results: SCP-3846 became gaseous within seconds, and passed through the barrier to the darker side of the room.
Researcher's notes: Despite the higher-intensity light (in the random mutations range observed in the previous test), it kept strict control of its form and turned completely gaseous in order to escape to the darker side of the room. This contradicts any hypothesis that the light itself causes changes in state, and suggests that they are instead voluntary changes that are nevertheless made in response to light.

Test 05 - 03/15/2000
Subjects: Dr. Andrew ███████ (No direct contact)
Procedure: A speaker was introduced to the containment cell. From the observation room, junior researcher Dr. ███████ asked SCP-3846 basic questions such as "SCP-3846, can you understand me?"
Results: SCP-3846 turned towards the speaker, and continued to keep its attention on the speaker for the duration of the test, but made no obvious attempts to vocalize or otherwise communicate.

Test 06 - 05/15/2000
Subjects: D-3846-01
Procedure: D-3846-01 was introduced to SCP-3846's containment cell to observe its demeanor in the presence of a human, and identify any potential memetic effects close contact may have. SCP-3846 did not interact with the subject during 20 minutes of close proximity. The subject suffered no adverse affects and SCP-3846 made no apparent attempt to harm the subject.
Researcher's notes: Admittedly, we didn't really know what would happen here. There was definitely a chance that 3846 would kill that D-Class just based upon what it was doing to people in the wild, but that didn't happen in a controlled environment that has been designed to suit it.

Test 07 - 05/16/2000
Subjects: D-3846-01
Procedure: D-3846-01 was given a glass bottle and introduced to SCP-3846's containment cell. Subject was asked to try to seal a sample of the gaseous component of SCP-3846 inside it for analysis.
Results: Subject approached SCP-3846, nervously, while holding the bottle. SCP-3846 avoided the subject. The subject was ordered to be more aggressive to acquire the sample. The subject lunged at SCP-3846 with the bottle, and for a moment appeared to have captured a sample, but the subject was physically unable to remove the clasped bottle from the mass of gas until he unclasped the bottle. Subject was allowed to leave the chamber, rather than prod SCP-3846 further.
Researcher's notes: Damn! I really thought we could snag a sample of whatever it is that "makes up" 3846. Though I'm glad we didn't make the D-Class keep trying. No sense in prodding something potentially dangerous, even if it has been quite docile since capture.

Test 08 - 06/10/2000
Subjects: N/A
Procedure: Procedure from test 04 was repeated.
Results: Up to 65 watts, SCP-3846 behaved exactly as in test 04. Beyond 65 watts, SCP-3846 formed a complete replica of Dr. ███████, matching the description from the containment breach report. SCP-3486's behavior was calm, in contrast to the erratic behavior seen in test 04.
Researcher's notes: Although it was only possible due to the unfortunate fate of Dr. ███████, this result is very exciting. Light, at moderate or high levels, causes distress to 3846 - unless it is able to solidify completely into a human form. In order to do that, it has to have recently "studied" a human form. The pattern of attacks in the wild now make perfect sense. But the attack on Dr. ███████ itself still doesn't make sense; what would prompt it to kill a man if the light levels in its cell are so low that it shouldn't need to create a human form? Its motivations may be more complex than I've given it credit for.

Test 09 - 06/17/2000
Subjects: Dr. Michael Sweets (No direct contact)
Procedure: Test 05 was repeated, albeit with Dr. Sweets asking the questions. For the duration of the test, the 50 watt light bulb in SCP-3846's containment cell was replaced with a 100 watt bulb.
Results: SCP-3846 was in a humanoid form for the duration of the test. The following is a transcript of the events:

<Begin Log>
Dr. Sweets: Hello? SCP-3846, can you hear me?

SCP-3846: *Unintelligible vocalization at the speaker*

Dr. Sweets: Uh… okay, SCP-3846, if you can understand what I'm saying to you, please look at me - I'm through the glass.

SCP-3846 is observed to face the window

SCP-3846: *Unintelligible vocalization*

Dr. Sweets: My god - you can understand! Three-eight-four-six, can you tell me where you came from? And are there others like you?

SCP-3846: *Unintelligible vocalization*
<End Log>

Foundation linguists and codebreakers have been unable to decipher the recorded audio of SCP-3846's vocalizations.

Addendum C: Containment Breach Report #2
On 06/02/2000, Dr. Michael Sweets was present in the auxiliary room adjacent to SCP-XXXX's containment chamber taking observations on the object. Security footage shows that, at 14:09, the door to the auxiliary room opens. SCP-XXXX, bearing the likeness of a nude Dr. Sweets, exits the room and walks at a leisurely pace eastbound from its cell. The object is seen by Dr. Dean Rosenthal and Dr. Samantha Johnson, who were traveling from the site cafeteria to their next projects. Upon sight, Dr. Rosenthal falls faint and Dr. Johnson rushes to find site security. Security officers had already discovered the containment breach through routine camera monitoring and responded swiftly to the area where SCP-XXXX was wandering. The object stopped walking when a team of eight security personnel arrived at the scene. The object did not respond to attempts by security to shepherd it with handheld lights as they had done in the prior containment breach event. However, when security physically restrained the object and attempted to escort it to temporary containment, the object made no apparent attempt to evade capture or resist re-containment. Examination of SCP-XXXX's cell showed that the plexiglass barrier had been destroyed. Dr. Sweets was found deceased on the ground. There were many large incisions on his limbs, one wound that penetrated his skull, and one which ran the length of his abdomen. Autopsy revealed that largely all of his internal organs had been disturbed or manipulated in some way. SCP-XXXX was in possession of Dr. Sweets' security access card, which had allowed the object to simply open the air-tight door of the auxiliary room and exit. Dr. Sweets' experimental notes from the 06/02/00 session were never found.

Addendum D: Reflection on Second Containment Breach & Subsequent Change in Protocol
With the advice of the Site Director, and upon consulting our containment specialists, I've changed the containment room specifications for SCP-XXXX. We'll be filling in that window with cement. No way in or out of that concrete cube except the double airlocked doors, which will now be controlled remotely from the security office so that XXXX can't steal any access cards and jailbreak itself. Keep the cameras trained at that door and send in a guard every now and then with a flashlight just to affirm that our friend is still there, and then pull them straight back out. Testing is to be suspended indefinitely; we just can't take any chances with this thing anymore.

-Dr. Gene Fogel

I am writing to express my complete dissatisfaction with our containment record for SCP-XXXX in the seven short months that it has been in our custody. Two containment breaches in as many months, including the death of a senior researcher, is a black stain upon the reputation of Site-81 that I do not take lightly. Perhaps even worse than that is the fact that our negligence in this matter jeopardizes the normalcy of the outside world. What we are dealing with is a creature that can and will move freely across state or even national borders, and which can cause mass panic even without its anomalous features being discovered simply due to the trail of 'exploratory surgeries' that it leaves in its wake. I have no desire to expend even more Foundation resources attempting to re-capture SCP-XXXX in the wild and cover up its antics a second time. Let me put it as plainly as I may: should we experience another containment event regarding SCP-XXXX, all containment engineers and research staff involved with this entity should prefer to have SCP-XXXX dissect them before I have a chance to deal with them myself.


Director Jean Karlyle Aktus