
Item #: SCP-001

Object class: Keter

Special containment procedures:
Due to the current state of SCP-001-1, Site ██-A was built around it. SCP-001-1 resides 50 meters behind the ocean floor. SCP-001 is located 6 north of the ████████ island chain. 10 meters of solid concrete are to reside in all directions of SCP-001 to create A barrier to shield site ██ from SCP-001-1’s effects. The containment vault should have no doors to enter SCP-001’s chamber. Scans of SCP-001-1’s chamber must be taken daily to ensure containment. Absolutely no tests are allowed on SCP-001-1 by any means, if this rule is broken they must be terminated immediately . Due to the nature of SCP-001-2, It can not be contain.

SCP-001-1 true form is currently unknown. All that is known of SCP-001-1 form is It is pure light. SCP-001 releases a faint unknown energy that can be picked up by all forms of scanners, radio way, X Ray, ultraviolet, etc. These energy waves slow down when they hit a solid objects and even slower when they hit concrete, but speed up to ██km/s when they enter open air. SCP-001-1’s energy cause instances of SCP-001-2 across the world after entering open air. Water has no effect on SCP-001-1s energy.

SCP-001-2 when in contact with SCP-001-1’s energy can cause from air pressure increases to hot and cold fronts. These build ups of air can cause; Tornados, hurricanes, microbursts, snow, rain and thunder storms. When SCP-001-1 energy waves hit the fault lines of the tectonic plates cause seismic activity creating; volcanoes, earthquakes and tidal waves. To most of earth these forces are known as “mother nature” but SCP-001-1 was found to create these “natural disasters”. SCP-001-1 If not contained by concrete or solid matter can sent out waves of energy ever ██ minutes, creating over ███ ‘natural disasters”.
Every test on SCP-001-1 has increased the amount of energy released over time.
SCP-001-1 can not be completely contained by concrete, Every meter placed after 10 meters only increases the amount of energy released. SCP-001-1 was found when a massive increase of SCP-001-1s energy was detected near its present location. This increase was created when an instance of SCP-001-2 create a shift in SCP-001-1's cave chamber to split open, filling the chamber with water and opening the chamber to open air.