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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: While not being actively tested, SCP-XXXX is to be contained in standard storage locker located at Containment Site-66. No skin contact is to be made with SCP-XXXX outside of registered testing. Any testing with SCP-XXXX must be approved by Site Director.

SCP-XXXX-1 entities are to be kept in a standard humanoid containment chamber extended in size to accommodate up to thirty individuals. Climate and ventilation must be routinely monitored for abnormalities, particularly increases in temperature. Feeding and transfer of approved materials will be conducted via automated mechanism to prevent contact between personnel and SCP-XXXX-1. All items brought into SCP-XXXX-1’s chamber will be documented. See Document XXXX-05 for full list of items that are within SCP-XXXX-1’s chamber.

The entrance to SCP-XXXX-1 chamber is watched by two armed guards and monitored by a second team via closed circuit camera at all times. Radio checks are to be performed every hour with spare radio’s nearby to maintain constant communication. Any personnel leaving SCP-XXXX-1’s chamber is to be cleared visually by both teams. Under no circumstances is the entrance to SCP-XXXX-1 chamber to opened while video camera is malfunctioning. Camera's in SCP-XXXX-1's chamber shall be checked daily for evidence of damage to interior.

When interviewing or testing a SCP-XXXX-1 entity, all contact must be broken after three minutes of initiation and no additional contact can be conducted by the same person until 24 hours have passed. Any sudden disappearance of any personnel will be treated as a containment breach.

Any containment breach will result in a complete lockdown of site and personnel to line up in hallways with functioning video cameras. All personnel will be accounted for via personal and video camera acknowledgement. Any SCP-XXXX-1 that are identified out of containment will be terminated by any means available. The area is to be evacuated of all personnel and the remains untouched for at least 10 minutes. Area is considered safe when all remains have disappeared.

Due to SCP-XXXX-1's effects and the high probability of SCP-XXXX-1 entities out of containment, all MTF Units investigating reports of disappearances in a localized area are to be made aware of SCP-XXXX-1's observed behaviors, effects, and termination procedures.

Description: SCP-XXXX resembles a Mead brand 100 page composition notebook. There is slight peeling and minor damage on the edges of SCP-XXXX and no sign of any ink on any portion. The only cosmetic difference is that SCP-XXXX interior is unlined plain paper, where the title suggests it would be lined.

When SCP-XXXX makes skin contact with a human or is touched by a writing utensil held by a human does SCP-XXXX show it’s anomalous effects. The person’s name (which will here by be identified as the subject) appears on the front cover in their own hand writing and primary language and the interior fills with a narrative of the subject's life. The current page opened fills with the subject's present condition with more words appearing as events play out and the subject reacts to them. From this point, turning a previous page results in fully written out page containing information of the subject’s past, with earlier pages depicting times in the subject’s earlier lifetime.

It is at this point that the page numbers cannot be accurately counted. The first page consistently describing the subject's birth and the last page describing the present as it is written with new pages appearing as the current page is filled. SCP-XXXX returns to its original condition after the subject has moved 3m away from SCP-XXXX.

In all tests, the writing is always in the subject's primary reading language, (including brail), and matches their own handwriting. Observers can read what SCP-XXXX depicts about a subject, but if physical contact or a writing utensil of an observer touches SCP-XXXX, they become to new subject with the text changing instantly. The text always puts the subject in the first person with content based upon the subject’s known vocabulary, understanding, and awareness. Testing has shown that the subject needs to be aware of changes in its environment for any text to appear that corresponds to it. Quotations appear around words the subject states vocally, with paragraphs created that deal with personal thoughts, observations, and descriptions of the subject’s actions, with more detail given to a particular event dependent on how much the subject considers and thinks about said event, with more detail being given as the subject becomes aware of them.

If the subject reads If SCP-XXXX is not deactivated by the subject after at least 11 minutes have elapsed, SCP-XXXX other anomalous properties take effect. The following is a time log of the observed stages and descriptions.

SCP-XXXX-1-1 through 16 are entities that are unable to be perceived or recorded on all known electronic mediums or detection methods. The entities can only be perceived by individuals (here by known as observers) within SCP-XXXX-1’s immediate vicinity and only heard after visual contact has begun. SCP-XXXX-1 has been described as resembling former subjects of SCP-XXXX and have been described as having slower, stunted reactions to actions and words. A common feature observed in SCP-XXXX-1 is rapid eye movement and not being able to quickly ascertain their immediate surroundings. Observers can interact with SCP-XXXX-1 in all normal fashions. Despite SCP-XXXX-1 lack of presence, testing has shown that SCP-XXXX-1 can affect their environment, utilize objects, and manipulate permanent fixtures such as doors. On Camera, these actions appear to happen and levitate without source. While in person, an observer can see an SCP-XXXX-1 entity perform these actions as a normal person would.

Prolonged contact and interaction with a SCP-XXXX-1 entity results in a spreading of SCP-XXXX-1 anomalous state. This can occur in as little as 6 minutes of initial contact resulting in the subject becoming a SCP-XXXX-1 entity. The transition of victims to SCP-XXXX-1 is only detectable to the individual by the sudden appearance of visual hallucinations and mild dementia that get progressively worse over time. Attempts to record this transition has resulted in the signal being lost and equipment disappearing along with the subject and recording sources not help by the subject showing only the subject vanishing from view. This effect has been shown to affect multiple subjects though there is a significant time delay for each subject. The time has been hypothesized to correlate to the significance of interaction.

This effect also translates to objects. Any significant action (holding, using, taking) to any smaller object results in that object disappearing from all forms of detection. SCP-XXXX-1 can still use these objects but for all others, they are considered lost. The items under the effect of SCP-XXXX-1 can on occasion be viewed in SCP-XXXX-1 possession and can even be given back to personnel in such interactions, but all items vanish the moment eye contact is broken. This also applies to biological samples of SCP-XXXX-1.