Amnestic Device

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Item #: SCP-XXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXX is being kept in a small, padded lead-lined case. The device is completely harmless if it is being handled while it remains inside. The only safe way to remove the above item from its case is with either robotic assistance or with some form of mechanical arm or probe. Gloves and gauntlets are ineffective. It is highly recommended that SCP-XXX should remain within its lockbox at Site 19's High Value Item Storage Facility until it is removed for its regularly scheduled six-month review.

Description: SCP-XXX is a small, apparently manufactured device measuring 12 cm long and 4 cm high. It resembles a smooth black prism of metal, plastic and glass, one side of which pulses with a soft blue light. There are no buttons or switches and no apparent way to turn the device on…or off.

If SCP-XXX is handled without the proper containment procedures it induces in the handler a very specific form of amnesia. It removes from the subject all memories of the past 24 hours along with any memories regarding the device and the SCP Foundation as well.

Addendum XXX-01: It is this final point which is the most concerning and the opinion has been voiced by Research Assistant Felton Greer that THIS may be the device’s main purpose. Furthermore it has been theorized by Greer that the device may have been manufactured by either an organization rival to the SCP Foundation or by the Foundation itself. Greer’s studies led him to the conclusion that the R&D division developed SCP-XXX as a replacement to the field amnestics currently used to render witnesses of Foundation activities harmless. Attempts to find a description of any such project in the records has been fruitless, which is normal considering the secrecy of our organization. However there are neither any records of how SCP-XXX came into the Foundation’s possession nor whom conducted the primary investigation. The object just collects dust on the shelves of our storage facility until its scheduled review.

The purpose of the review, currently conducted by Research Assistant Greer, is to determine if the device’s power source has been depleted enough to allow for further investigation and disassembly. If SCP-XXX is still pulsing with its cold blue light, the device’s case is closed and the item is placed back into the vault until the next review. To date SCP-XXX has undergone ten such reviews over a period of five years and its unknown power source does not seem to be waning. Greer continues to make formal and informal inquiries into the history of the device, but no one knows or remembers anything.

Addendum XXX-02: Excerpt from a transcript of the audio log of Research Assistant Fenton Greer. Recorded: 4/15/2015 @ 2:15 PM

GREER: I may have finally figured out how to handle SCP-XXX without suffering from its effects. I can’t wait until the next review period. I have to know now!

Addendum XXX-03: Final entry before Fenton Greer’s reassignment and decommissioning from his service to the Foundation. Recorded: 4/15/2015 @ 2:35 PM

GREER: What the hell is this thing?