
Nickname: The Knife

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SCP-XXXX exterior.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX cannot be moved by any physical means. SCP-XXXX is not to be tampered with in any way. SCP-XXXX is to be staffed by no more than 200 Foundation personnel.

200 Foundation personnel are to be taken to SCP-XXXX whilst blindfolded. These personnel are chosen entirely at random. Said personnel are not to be of any religious faith. Upon ending work with SCP-XXXX, said persons are to be delivered Class C amnestics and returned to the original site the personnel worked with before.

Upon usage of SCP-XXXX, all non-Foundation organizations in the vicinity1 are to be alerted of an impending cryoseism detected on Foundation monitors.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a ██ cubic kilometer large facility housing a previously unknown device (labeled as SCP-XXXX-1). Composition of said device is unknown, and attempts to discern this are strictly banned due to risk of damaging and/or destroying SCP-XXXX-1.

SCP-XXXX's walls are covered in what have confirmed to be protection sigils from most every faith in the world. Please see Document XXXX-1 for more information. Personnel who attempt to enter SCP-XXXX who are apart of any religious sect will become nauseous and highly sick. Reasoning for sickness is unknown.

SCP-XXXX-1 is approximately 500 cubic meters large, that converges in a 10 x 10 centimeter cylindrical tube. SCP-XXXX-1's head is located in a 1 cubic kilometer large chamber. When SCP-XXXX-1 discharges, it will expel a discharge of white light. SCP-XXXX-1's light is 10,000 lumens, and can cause instant blindness if directly observed.2

SCP-XXXX-1 has the ability to cause a "reversion" effect on religious artifacts. Artifacts that come in contact with discharged light appear to lose all religious symbolism.


SCP-XXXX-1 discharge sound recorded in [REDACTED].

SCP-XXXX was discovered after an extremely powerful cryoseism resulted in destruction of an ice shelf near the border of █████ ████ Land in western Antarctica. SCP-XXXX was discovered after an expedition team from the ████ station was sent to investigate. SCP-XXXX was summarily claimed by the United States government for the Foundation.

Addendum 1: SCP-XXXX test log.

Addendum 2: Chart of SCP-XXXX sectors. Sectors become more dangerous as numerical label progresses.

Sector # Sub-Sector Letter Function
Sector 1 Sub-Sector A Expulsion of particle beam.
Sector 1 Sub-Sector B Failsafe mechanism.
Sector 1 Sub-Sector C-D Failsafe braces.
Sector 2 Sub-Sector A Particle beam charge.
Sector 2 Sub-Sector B Particle beam adjustment mechanism.
Sector 2 Sub-Sector C Self defense mechanism (inopperative).
Sector 3 Sub-Sector A Self-examination data storage.
Sector 3 Sub-Sector B Staff barracks area?
Sector 3 Sub-Sector C Unknown black apparatus. Tri-sectored cube. 10 cubic meters large. Becomes active during particle beam expulsion. Purpose unknown.

Addendum 3: Sector 3-C's sole apparatus has begun to fluxtuate during firing of SCP-XXXX-1. As this apparatus begins to dim, SCP-XXXX-1 beam has proven less effective. Certain sections of reverted objects are instead vitrified / burned. Further testing is required to understand Sector 3-C apparatus. Edit ██/██/█

Addendum 4: During Test XXXX-D, one Foundation personnel on site was found to be involved in currently unknown cult activity. Sub-Sector C's apparatus became extremely dim, and the test object in question (an Islamic prayer rug) was burnt. Foundation personnel in question was found mutilated and dismembered by unknown means. Edit ██/█/█

For the love of Christ, it's like someone loosed a hungry alligator with access to a 1216 Shotgun on this guy. We don't have either of those here, so what the hell happened?
-Supervisor █████████

Addendum 5: Several previously unknown cadavers have been found within SCP-XXXX. All appear to have been attacked using a slashing weapon. Flesh around cut wounds has been affected by third degree burns. Edit ██/█/█

Addendum 6: Document XXXX-1: Known religious protection symbols found inside SCP-XXXX.

Addendum 7: Document XXXX-2: Note found in administrative section of SCP-XXXX.