Medieval law
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is currently contained under armed guard in a Type-A Humanoid Containment Cell. Due to its anomalous properties, standard food and water concerns can be ignored for its containment. For the sake of preventing further escape attempts, an automated sedative delivery system has been installed in its cell.

For the sake of ensuring its co-operation and mental health, SCP-XXXX has been scheduled for mandatory twice-weekly appointments with Dr. Tatiana Del Bosque, and is permitted limited access to art supplies that may be revoked if necessary.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a humanoid entity of suspected extradimensional origin that physiologically resembles an instance of Pyrrhactia isabella, weighing 143 kilograms without its armour and standing at 2.1 meters tall. SCP-XXXX lacks reproductive organs, and its digestive system has been removed and replaced with a complex organic structure that SCP-XXXX claims is responsible for satisfying its nutritional demands.

SCP-XXXX is capable of vocalising through its epipharynx in a similar manner to Acherontia atropos, and speaks a dialect of Spanish that incorporates heavy use of slang unknown to Foundation linguists. It claims to have been a law-enforcement officer for the non-existent 'Emirate of Timarcha', pursuing a fugitive named 'Florence' - to this end, it has made several attempts to breach containment in order to resume its pursuit.

SCP-XXXX was discovered at the site of the [DATA EXPONGED] factory on 07/18/20██ by construction workers who were destroying the remains of the structure. The building collapsed due to a fire caused by unknown means earlier that year and was condemned for demolishing. When workers cleared away the entrance to the basement area, SCP-XXXX emerged and killed 16 of those on shift before local police arrived and were able to over power it.

At the time of recovery, SCP-XXXX wore a set of armour whose construction and appearance resembles that of armour from the 14th century. Said armour is composed of cotton, linen, leather and an anomalous metal alloy whose composition is currently being researched. Despite the heavy wear SCP-XXXX claims the armour has sustained, it shows no outward physical signs of wear, corrosion or damage.

Interviewed: SCP-XXXX
Interviewer: Doctor █████
Foreword: Excerpt from first recorded interview

SCP-XXXX: "I hope that you may be able to release me from custody so I can continue my investigation."

Dr. █████: "Investigation? Is that why you keep trying to escape? What kind of investigation are you conducting?"

SCP-XXXX: "An escaped prisoner. They go by the name ██████. They slayed one of us during one of our tournaments. She cheated but was released anyways. My directive is to kill them."

Dr. █████: "Can you explain what tournament you're talking about?"

SCP-XXXX: "A battle tournament. Competitors were picked off the street and sent to [DATA EXPUNGED] to fight for glory and live a better life. ██████ challenged one of my fellow deputies and the rules sate that if they best a [REDACTED] they can go home."

Dr. █████: "Can you tell me… what exactly happens when you finish this mission?"

SCP-XXXX: [SCP-XXXX proceeds to tap on the recording device] "I'm sure that I will be dismissed like the other agents before me. The only concern I have is that I complete my mission as soon as possible."

Dr. █████: "Is this mission really that important to you? What were you doing before you were given this mission?"

SCP-XXXX: "I don't remember anything before starting this mission, but that's not what's important. The mission, the fugitive's face, it's the only thing that is keeping me going. Why can't you just let me continue it?"

Dr. █████: "Santiago, do you how long you were under that building for?"

SCP-XXXX: "… I'm not entirely sure. But it couldn't have been that long… But I went dormant… Could she have already died?"

Dr. █████: "She could have but it's been so long that that your team could have killed her while you were missing."

SCP-XXXX: "I…" [SCP-XXXX puts it's hands over it's eyes and bows it's head] "No… That's…"

Dr. █████: "I know it may be hard to take in, but it's probably what happened. Do you really think attacking our personnel and trying to escape is really going to change it?"

SCP-XXXX: "I need some time."

<End Log Except>

Note: This bug is so determined to do it's job that I almost feel sorry for him. He's obviously so obsessed that he's willing to kill anyone in his way, so the sooner we can break him of this mind set the better. - Dr. Bosque