Skycer's Sandbox

Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-### has to be kept in a standard storage room at Site . Adequate measures have to be taken to prevent unauthorised access to the containment room. The inside has to be kept under video surveillance at all hours and no personnel wih under level 4 clearance shall enter the room without proper authorisation from Dr. ____. Except while experimenting, any instance of SCP-### must be removed from the SCP-### containment room to a standard human containment cell when spawned for further study.
SCP-### is an oval shaped mirror holded by a wooden frame. SCP-### itself has been classified as “Safe”, but not their instances (labeled as SCP-###-1 through 26 at the moment), which are sentient and Keternot really sure if it is correct class SCPs. Those instances originate at a 5 phased proccess:

Phase Major changes
1 A live organism (from now on, subject) not neccesarily human (see Document-SCP-###-A for more detailed information) reflects on the mirror side.
2 After an undetermined amount of time which ranges from 1 hour to 3 weeks, the mirror’s surface starts to expand outwards with the shape of the subject.
3 the shape previously described gets more detailed (subject-like ears, eyes and mouth start to be visible).
4 Surface of the shape acquieres subject’s skin color and other details such as spots, tatoos, scars and birth marks on the opposite side of the subject (if, for example, the subject had a tatoo on the left shoulder, it’ll be on the right shoulder).
5 The subject-like surface becomes independent from the mirror in a similar way a water drop would split from its main water mass, generating a new sapient instance.

SCP-###-@ are sentient and a full reflection of the subject they originated from. They know what subject knows and have exactly the same strength and dexterity as the original subject. They behave with subject’s relatives and family just as the subject would, but atracting them to the mirror.

Medical analysis shows that instances of SCP-@ have situs inversus, a condition wherein their organs are mirrored from their typical positions.
The main difference is a strong psychological compulsion to kill the subject they originated from, and fuse with him. In case of this event happening, SCP-###-@ will replace the subject with no other mean to be differentiated than by their spots, scars or tatoos in reversed positions.

If supplantation is successful, the instance will try to get as many subject relatives to reflect on the mirror as possible.

SCP-### was retrieved from Navarone, Greece. It has been dated from 1836 thanks to a label at the backside of the mirror.
In an interview with Dr.__ , SCP-###-12, which originated from class D personel D-1746 assured that it was wrong from an existencial point of view to not allow him to kill D-1746. When inquired to explain why, he asked for a pencil and a sheet of paper, which were granted and he wrote the following mathematical formula:
“Existence is like a mathematical formula like this. The ‘=’ would be the mirror i came from, and each one at its side it is me and the fella I HAVE to kill. You re not letting me to complete my task, YOU MUST ALLOW ME TO FIND HIM [D-1746] [DATA EXPUNGED]”
[SCP-###-12 had to be tranquilized using compund Z-4384]
In another interview, now with Dr. ___, when he [now SCP-###-13] was questioned how he had gone through the mirror he answered:
“There are several dimensions, but they are not aware of each other. All mirrors act like windows between dimensions. The mirror I came from had no glass pane, as a normal window would have. ”
Subsequent tries to get to the mentioned “other side” of the mirror have been unsuccesful and life expensive, with 7 D-subjects being killed during the experiments due to their unability to get across the mirror surface. It looks like the “window” has glass from our side.

Administrating class A amnesics to SCP-### instances has prooven to be succesful to make them forget their desire to kill their origin subjects for (5) five hours after them being administrated. When that period of time expires, SCP-### instances will again desire to kill their origin subject. It may be desirable to do this only if the SCP-### instances have to be moved from his cell due to special situations (such as a containment breach) as they become more hostile towards personel with each amnesics administration.