Soulless Sandbox Part III

<DrMagnus> Soulless: Dr Magnus is 6' 1", about 210, blonde hair, kept slicked back in a pony tail. short beard, glasses, blue eyes.

rating: 0+x

"So you… uh… what?"

Doctor Avery Solace wasn't looking, particularly, at Dr. Magnus. If they did, they would perhaps understand the bombshell they had dropped on him. They had a peculiar gaze that tended to see through people. Dr Magnus paused in mid-sip to ask the question. The two researchers were having breakfast in the cafeteria area of Site-19.

Dr. Solace nodded, a jerky movement that resembled a muscle spasm. "SCP-055. I know what it is, I think."

They watched Dr. Magnus scratch at his head of blonde hair, slicked back in a ponytail. A few strands loosened from the band holding the hair in place and succumbed to gravity. It was hardly 9 AM and he was already starting to look messy. Dr. Avery Solace was not much better, sporting a labcoat in desperate need of ironing, but they never looked particularly put together. At least they had the mind to wear matching socks today.

Dr. Magnus cleared his throat. "So. Uh. Mind telling me what it is? SCP-055?"

A slow, almost confused blink. "Yes."

"As in, you don't want to tell me?"

Another jerky, stilted nod. Dr. Solace sipped their coffee again and looked briefly to an empty corner. Tilted their head slightly. Dr. Magnus turned around to follow their gaze and saw nothing. It vaguely reminded him of his cats at home. He turned back to his companion. "Do you mind telling me why?"

"…Rudeness?" Avery tilted their head again, licked their chapped lips and sipped coffee.

"Do you mean you're not sure if it's rude? It's not rude at all, Avery. You can- you should tell me. Right now." The taller man's words quickened, deepened, became suffocating, crossing into demand wrapped in a request's clothing.

Solace didn't seem to respond for some time. Their glassy gaze laid onto an empty corner with intensity, their brows knitted together as if insulted by the air. "No, I think I won't. People… people have tried really hard to find out. Are currently trying very hard. I'd hate to ruin their fun…"

Magnus stood to his full height of over six feet, gripped the other researcher's slim shoulders in his hands. He turned them to face him. He forced eye contact, his gaze sharp with ambitious and a fevered determination of the cusp of discovery. "No. You're going to tell me. Right now." One hand moved to Solace's neck, fragile, and easy to snap.

His hands were pried off with a careful insistence. Solace got up with his empty plate and coffee mug. "…No, that'd be rude. I don't like doing rude things, Dr. Magnus. I'll see you tomorrow."

If it wasn't an HR violation, Magnus would've probably punched them right then and there.

Dr Kens polished his metal hand, listening to