sp!raL's sandbox
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a soundproofed airtight cell at Site-127. SCP-XXXX is to be kept restrained to a metal table by the wrists, and is to be kept restrained by the ankles to a chair. Both table and chair are to be secured to the floor. SCP-XXXX does not require any form of nutrition. Any interaction with the subject projected to last more than 30 minutes must be conducted within a Level A hazmat protective suit, and must be approved by the SCP-XXXX project head (currently Dr. Fell).

Description: SCP-XXXX currently takes the form of a 1.85 m male of indeterminate race between the ages of 25 to 30. At the time of acquisition, the subject had the form of a blindfolded humanoid statue. The statue was incomplete, with only a shoulder and a blindfolded portion of the face visible from an irregular 2.0m x 2.0m x 1.0m stone block. While the block was visually identified as marble, any and all attempts to collect a sample using conventional tools failed.

Over a ██ month period the statue was observed to gain more definition and lose peripheral portions of marble. At the end of this period, the statue was completely visible, with the extraneous mass having disappeared by an unknown process. At this time more anomalous properties began to manifest. The blindfold on the statue, when examined, appeared to be cotton, but was revealed to be incorporeal upon attempts at sample collection. Researchers began to report hearing voices when in close proximity to the subject. While these voices sounded human, listeners reported that they couldn’t understand what was being said. All listeners reported feeling that the voices were trying to convey a sense of urgency, and sounded as if they were “pleading” with the listener.

Over the past █ months SCP-XXXX has undergone a transformation into its current form. SCP-XXXX has gradually acquired small wrinkles in appropriate places (finger joints, elbows,etc…), along with genitalia and a skin-like texture and color. SCP-XXXX in its current form retains its blindfold, but its vision seems to be unimpeded as SCP-XXXX has been observed to accurately track movement.

After incident 793-04-00-B, SCP-XXXX has gained the ability to communicate in English, but does not utilize its mouth or produce sound from its vocal cords to do so. Statements from Interview 793-05 indicate the subject has a strong aversion to operating its body.

Long periods of interaction with SCP-XXXX are discouraged. Individuals who have spent 10 minutes or more with SCP-XXXX begin to feel a breeze in SCP-XXXX’s containment cell despite the cell’s airtight construction. Individuals who exit SCP-XXXX’s containment after this period report difficulties in breathing, describing the air outside of SCP-XXXX’s containment cell as “stale” and “thick”. This is a purely psychological phenomenon, as these individuals have been cleared by medical examination. This effect does not wear off, but individuals report being able to adjust to the change. Individuals who spend more than one (1) hour in SCP-XXXX’s containment cell experience the symptoms of “dry drowning” upon leaving and require immediate medical attention. Individuals who survive the initial drowning episode speak in a halting, stilted manner as they have lost all subconscious breath control.

Samples taken from SCP-XXXX subjected to uranium-lead dating suggest an age range of █-█ million years. SCP-XXXX will readily interact with any individual who approaches, but displays a dismissive attitude toward human beings.