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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-XXXX, movement from its current location is not currently possible; however, given that SCP-XXXX appears to be unable to leave the building that it currently resides in, not many containment procedures are in place. The site should have at least two personnel to prevent entry by the general public and to alert offsite staff to any major changes in SCP-XXXX’s current status.

Personnel entering the building for research should enter with at least one D-Class personnel, and each person should wear something on their person that casts a recognizable shadow for quick identification of possible future instances of SCP-XXXX. Personnel should not enter any dark room that may be inside the building due to the unpredictable state and location of SCP-XXXX.

Should a second instance appear, Dr. ████████ should be contacted as soon as possible.

Description: SCP-XXXX appears to be a shadow currently residing in an abandoned building in ███████, ████ ████████. SCP-XXXX does not appear to belong to any visible entity, and often takes the form of local wildlife and domesticated pets; however, instances of other entities have been recorded. Testing has revealed that presenting an image of another creature, which is done by leaving a photograph in the same room as an instance of SCP-XXXX, can cause it to, in rare cases, mimic the shape of the photographed creature. On rare occasions, it will manifest in the shape of Foundation personnel who have entered the building.

Further testing has revealed that SCP-XXXX appears to take on the behavioral patterns of whichever entity it currently presents itself as. Should an entity’s shadow make contact with SCP-XXXX, it will respond as if it had been touched. While subjects whose shadow has made contact with SCP-XXXX report no sensations of touch, they do report occasional auditory sensations, often claiming to hear the sounds of whatever SCP-XXXX has manifested as.

Should SCP-XXXX attack the shadow of another entity, injuries will slowly begin manifest on the entity, although many subjects report not feeling the wounds until they have exited the room in which SCP-XXXX currently resides1.

SCP-XXXX also appears to have the ability to manifest itself regardless of the level of light in the room. Physical interaction with SCP-XXXX is possible, and, depending on the currently manifested instance, can be dangerous. Any person interacting with SCP-XXXX should take precautions before doing so, and should treat each instance of SCP-XXXX as one would treat whatever it has manifested as.

Foundation members were alerted to the existence of SCP-XXXX following multiple reports of attacks from within an abandoned building. After multiple investigations by local police and animal control units, no evidence of an aggressor, human or animal, was present.