an scp by me
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-XXXX must be kept in a secure storage container away from personal. Any person entering the room where SCP-XXXX is contained should be warned about the dangers of looking at the object and the greater dangers of touching the object without tethers and other security measures.

Description: SCP-XXXX is an incredibly black obelisk shaped portal. Looking at the portal makes a subject feel drawn towards the portal. Any person who touches the portal will be dragged through, if they have no rope or safety lines they will be unable to get out. If a person enters the portal when another subject is already in the portal, the person inside will be lost forever. There is no interference with any signal coming from a person inside the portal, unless they are lost. If a person is kept away from the portal but is still looking at the portal after 2 minutes they will suddenly slump over and there voice will seem to emanate from the portal, they will feel like they are inside the otherworld. Anybody pulled through the portal through the method of an out of body experience will be trapped forever as they do not have safety lines. The portal leads to a fiery dimension, near the exit from the portal there are black humanoid figures locked in a large series of cells all screaming inn anguish. Goat like humanoids with horns, hoofs, and scaly red skin patrol the prison holding long spears with glowing ends. Any subjects caught by these goat-men are lost forever in a scream of anguish always crying for a person they have a strong emotional connection too. If the subject survives for long enough they will find a door that leads to what seems like a supply closet in an office. It will appear to them that they have just exited from the original portal that they entered through, in they have ropes they can climb back through the portal and will end up back in the room that the portal is in. the “Office” is full of the same goat-men that patrol the “prison” the goat-men ignore anybody walking around the “office” and talk about selling deals to people. The goat-men in this area do not care spears (instead they carry brief cases) and are often seen transforming in to people that are described as incredibly “salesmen like” by all that see them, after transforming most of them disappear in a puff of smoke that is reported to smell like brimstone. They also often warp in to the “office” as well and seem to brag about sales they have made. Beyond this “office” there is a set of large gates that seem to be semi-sentient, they judge a person and if they are judged as bad they are destroyed if they are good they are let through the gates and the signal cuts out.