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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX must not be near any people, animals, or flammable SCPs. If they or it go aflame, no action will be done. No attempts will be made to save them or it, or they will be immediately terminated.

SCP-XXXX is currently contained in Storage Unit ██, located in Site 76. It is in a sealed 20 x 20 x 20 cm box guarded by two (2) security personnel at all times. SCP-XXXX must be checked every 3 days daily for any strange behavior. Any strange behavior must be reported to staff.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a toy dinosaur resembling that of Ceratosaurus nasicornis. It measures 10 cm in height. It is made of an unidentified material but is shown to be similar to [REDACTED]. SCP-XXXX appears to be partially but severely burned in areas from the belly to under the bottom jaw. Burned areas are black and outlined with orange.

Occasionally, SCP-XXXX will enter a shock state. It will emit yellow incandescent sparks from under it, doing this, it also burns itself but does not succumb to the following. Anything flammable that comes in contact with these sparks immediately ignite and turn into ash in a few seconds. After SCP-XXXX is stop it shock state, touching the black area of SCP-XXXX will cause the subject to also ignite and die. This goes away after 5 hours. SCP-XXXX also creates fumes created when it burns itself. If the subject breathes it in they will [REDACTED] and die. Despite all of this, the sparks or entities caught on fire do not cause abiotic material to ignite. Efforts to stop SCP-XXXX from emitting sparks have proven to be ineffective (see Addendum XXXX-A.

SCP-XXXX was found in an abandoned playhouse in ████████, Michigan in ██/██/██. Surrounding SCP-XXXX was piles of ash and on the ground near it was a heavily decomposed corpse, later identified as Thomas █████. Why the corpse wasn't turned into ash is unknown. SCP-XXXX was taken by the SCP Foundation after discovery.

Addendum XXXX-A: The following is a report on attempting to prevent or stop SCP-XXXX from emitting sparks.

SCP-XXXX is put into a testing chamber secured onto a table by rope. In the corner, a D-class subject will operate a hose that will shoot gallons of water with a temperature of 10 F (before freezing) at SCP-XXXX during its shock state.

SCP-XXXX begins entering shock state. D10973 is alerted to turn on hose by Dr. ████

SCP-XXXX is doused with water. The water appears to stay on it for a few seconds before immediately evaporating.
D10973: Should I stop? The water seems to not be doing anything.
Dr.████: Keep going.
D10973 proceeds dousing SCP-XXXX with water for 2 minutes.
SCP-XXXX stops shock state
D10973: (shocked)Did we do- (D10973 immediately collapses on the floor, seems not to be breathing).

D10973 is taken from the testing chamber. D10973 appears to have suffered from SCP-XXXX's fumes and died.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Water showed to have no effect on SCP-XXXX and seems to be purely coincidental that SCP-XXXX stopped its shock state. SCP-XXXX is to be monitored daily instead of every 3 days.