The Mimicker (Or SCP-3000 is that's okay)

Clearance Level: 3
Item #: The Mimicker (Or *SCP-3000 if it's okay to use the SCP Number)
Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures:
The Mimicker (or *) is to be kept in a sealed sound-proof and shatter-proof room, preferably concrete or cement, approximately 29 x 29 x 29 under camera observation, with two access doors safeguarded by a thumb-print scanner and ID-lock. Under no circumstances should both doors be opened at any given moment. In the event that The Mimicker (*) becomes aggravated or hostile, staff must evacuate The Mimicker's containment facility. In the event of a containment breach, staff must acquire sound proof headsets, and arm themselves with high-voltage stun batons to incapacitate The Mimicker for a brief 3 minutes.

Class Description:
The Mimicker is a long, scaled being of snake-like nature. It's body can grow up to a measured 13 feet long and 3 feet in diameter, but can still slither through gaps the size of a standard doorknob, personnel have attempted to figure out how this is possible but they cannot find a reason. The scales on it appear to be black in nature, but have been known to change colours based off of who/what is viewing it. It's head resembles that of a python, but it has the 'wings' of a cobra. The details of the patterns on these 'wings' have yet to be fully determined, as they tend to shift into different patterns like a Rorschach test. It's fangs have been known to grow of sizes up to a foot long and are still able to be retracted within the skull. When aggravated, The Mimicker uses it's highly advanced vocal cords to entice it's prey into looking at it, the sounds that it makes differs from being to being, and when observed, it begins to dance as it sings, using it's voice and it's Rorschach like patterns to hypnotize it's prey towards it. After it has successfully lured it's prey towards it, it will sink it's fangs into them and fill their bloodstream with a paralytic neurotoxin designed to paralyze the prey. After the prey is paralyzed, it coils around it and slowly crushes it's prey to death, causing as much pain as possible, before tearing the corpse to pieces and eating them. They digest inside it before they are regurgitated, covered in a thick and sticky substance, onto a chosen surface, where The Mimicker continues to build it's home.

Addendum 1: Class-d Personnel member1851415 [] has been known to be able to talk to and resist The Mimicker and it's hypnotism.
Addendum 2: According to D-1851415, The Mimicker has an intelligence level equal to that of a high school graduate, but cannot communicate through actual languages, regardless of the advanced nature of it's vocal cords.
Addendum 3: The Mimicker has been known to speak understandably to Subject 18-5-14-15 but when other on-site personnel attempt to communicate with The Mimicker, they've reported feeling light headed and dizzy, with a ringing noise in their ears.
Addendum 4: Scientists have recorded repeated conversations with D-1851415 and The Mimicker.
Interviewed by D-1851415
[Scientists attach a auditory recorder onto D-1851415 and he enters The Mimicker's containment chamber, making it emerge from it's regurgitation home in the far corner and eyes him closely.]
D-1851415: "Hello, my name is Reno, what is yours?"
[The Mimicker starts to communicate with a series on hisses and quiet clicks.]
D-1851415: "That's a good name! Is it okay to ask what you think about being here?"
[The Mimicker again continues to hiss and click, but with a few longer clicks.]
D-1851415: "So you like it here? And you have a point, I would be scared of the ones that are bigger than you, outside and inside. Do you have any brothers or sisters?"
[The Mimicker clicks 3 times and hisses for a brief amount of time.]
D-1851415: "I'm sorry that most of them died, but at least your bigger sisters lived!"
[Scientists outside the containment chamber write that down as an addendum for The Mimicker's file.]
D-1851415: "I'm glad we got to talk friend, if it's okay with the scientists, could we talk again in the future?"
[The Mimicker resumes it's clicking and hissing and D-1851415 chuckles softly.]
D-1851415: "Okay friend, until next time then."
[The Mimicker slithers back to its corner and D-1851415 leaves the containment chamber, where he has the recorder removed and he is taken back to his cell.]