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Artist's representation of SCP-3XXX at time of acquisition.

Item #: SCP-3XXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3XXX is to be kept in a 15m*15m*30m glass tank, approximately 1 cm thick, sealed on all sides, with an access hatch at the top. The tank should be kept in an electromagnetically shielded room. Electromagnetic shielding should be inspected every other day, to ensure no damage is done to Foundation hardware. The tank should be filled with appropriately salinated water, to simulate oceanic conditions. A filtration system is not entirely necessary, as SCP-3XXX Does not seem to excrete in any way, however a standard filtration system should be installed regardless, as a precaution. Two high power electro magnets are to be placed on either side of the tank as a safety measure, to be activated in the event SCP-3XXX should become hostile and/or attempt to breach containment. At least one member of staff should also be on hand to act as surveillance as often as possible. Said personnel should also be the one(s) capable of activating the electromagnets in the event of an emergency.

Description: SCP-3XXX is a large black aquatic invertebrate, belonging to the Cephalopod family. It is composed of a main body, or "head" (approximately 8m long, 6m wide, and 5.5m tall), and a set of 7 long black tentacles (estimated between 4-6m each). One of SCP-3XXX's tentacles appears to be in some way fused to the tentacle of a similar entity, consisting of one large bioluminescent sphere with three tendrils [Designated SCP-3XXX-B].
SCP-3XXX-B’s tentacles measure about 3m each, and the bioluminescent sphere measures 1m in diameter. SCP-3XXX-B appears to be entirely non-sapient, and may simply be a cosmetic feature of SCP-3XXX. Research into this theory is ongoing.


SCP-3XXX appears to have a small stump at a point symmetrically opposite to one of its tentacles.
This has led researchers to believe that SCP-3XXX previously possessed eight (8) tentacles, however one was lost in an unknown incident prior to Foundation acquisition.
Researchers have dubbed the missing appendage SCP-3XXX-2, and Field Agents are currently searching the area where SCP-3XXX was acquired, in attempts to locate the missing appendage for study.


During its time in containment, the stump of SCP-3XXX's eigth tentacle has slowly been elongating, and Researchers believe SCP-3XXX may be regrowing it's lost limb.
Research into this potential regenerative ability is scheduled to begin on ██/██/20██

SCP-3XXX was reportedly first observed in 19██ by a small group of whalers off the coast of ████████. It was brought to The Foundations attention in 20██, when a local [DATA EXPUNGED] (See Incident Report 3XXX-2-B).
Containment Specialists were dispatched, and promptly isolated the area, while Field Agents delivered amnestics to the implicated civilians. They spent the next 72 hours monotoring SCP-3XXX's movements while a containment unit was being constructed, and SCP-3XXX was then airlifted to Site ██.

SCP-3XXX's head consists of a large black mass, somewhat resembling the human brain. It is adorned with several pale blue, bioluminescent bulbs of varying sizes at its frontmost “hemisphere”, and several large acrochordons near its rear “hemisphere”. SCP-3XXX has no apparent sensory organs beyond a central nervous system.

SCP-3XXX's Tentacles appear to diffier from those of the traditional Cephalopod, as their lengths seem to vary from one measurement to the next. These tentacles are also completely smooth, yet seem to possess some sort of vicious texture, making them excellent at gripping (Note: Current theory is that SCP-3XXX’s extremedies are coated in some form of mucus). Additionally, SCP-3XXX's tentacles seem capable of slowly extending, in order to hold objects. This process causes the tentacles to split and develop much smaller tendrils, which appear capable of emitting electrical pulses. SCP-3XXX seems to understand how to use these tendrils to complete circuits, in order to operate basic machinery and electronics, such as lights and motors. At this time, the maximum recorded voltage output by these tendrils is about 20 volts.

SCP-3XXX's innert electical charge appears to be stored somewhere inside of it's head, and causes it to have a constant electromagnetic field surrounding it. SCP-3XXX will emit an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) at approximately 4:48 am and pm everyday (This can occur sooner if SCP-3XXX becomes agitated, and has been known to occur thrice in one day when SCP-3XXX becomes agitated approximately 8 hours before or after 4:48.). It is currently unknown why it does this. Because of this however, maintaining constant surveillance on SCP-3XXX via traditional remote methods is rather difficult, as SCP-3XXX causes this equipment to be disabled twice daily. As such, at least one researcher and/or security officer should be present within SCP-3XXX's containment at all times.

X-Ray scans of SCP-3XXX are currently inconclusive, due to significant magnetic interference.

At time of acquisition, SCP-3XXX was in possession of a mechanical arm which it had apparently forcibly torn from a local vessel that was trying to apprehend it (See Incident Report 3XXX-2-A). Arm was removed on ██/██/20██, after testing into its function concluded.

Despite its apparent previous retaliations against local civilians, SCP-3XXX is relatively docile the majority of the time. It does not react to human presence, nor to (non hostile) direct physical contact. This would suggest that SCP-3XXX is either impartial, or simply incapable of perceiving said presences, possibly due to the aforementioned lack of sensory ability.

SCP-3XXX is also highly magnetically sensitive, and becomes easily confused, and even distressed when exposed to medium or high power electromagnets.
On one occasion, the presence of an electromagnet actually managed to separate SCP-3XXX from SCP-3XXX-B. Upon separation, Researchers reported a significant decrease in the brightness of SCP-3XXX-B’s bioluminescence, as it was moved to a separate tank to study. Researchers found that SCP-3XXX-B was, in fact, a separate, fully living entity, from SCP-3XXX though significantly less complex. Experimentation into whether SCP-3XXX-B’s tentacles were also capable of conducting electricity were then conducted, before it was returned to it’s original containment with SCP-3XXX. In these experiments, researchers found SCP-3XXX-B functions similarly to an AND gate, in that any electrical input into tentacle “A” will be exactly replicated and output by tentacle “C”, but only while there is any input above 5 volts to tentacle “B”. (Worth noting that SCP-3XXX was originally affixed to tentacle “C”.
Tissue samples taken at the time are as yet inconclusive.

During this period of separation, SCP-3XXX became increasingly distressed, even after the electromagnet was deactivated and removed from the premises, releasing a total of 5 EMPs over the course of 30 hours. Researchers were forced to conclude testing on SCP-3XXX-B early, when SCP-3XXX's frantic behavior escalated to a point where it began pounding repeatedly on the inside of its tank.
According to researchers present at the time, upon being reunited with SCP-3XXX-B, SCP-3XXX immediately wrapped one of its tentacles around SCP-3XXX-B's, and held it “…covetously close…” for the next 5 days. Researchers also noted that SCP-3XXX-B became noticeably more vibrant upon being reunited.
SCP-3XXX's tank had to be treated for micro fractures following the incident.

Despite its apparent ability to understand circuitry, SCP-3XXX's intellegence is currently being investigated, as so far, all attempts at communication have been ineffective.

Included are the results of testing electronics with SCP-3XXX.


Although Field Agents have not yet been able to recover SCP-3XXX-2, several locals have reported several unconfirmed sightings of SCP-3XXX again while at sea.
Field Agents should be advised, that SCP-3XXX-2 may have been capable of regrowing its head, meaning we may have a second entity, or possibly even more, still currently at large.
They should prioritize locating SCP-3XXX-2 as soon as possible, before the situation has the chance to escalate any further.