The Page Jumper
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SCP-xxxx cleaning his new home.

Item #: SCP-xxxx

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-xxxx is to be kept on the wall in Dr. █████'s office. A meal of his choice is to be drawn on a sticky note and stuck onto his current home 3 times per day. A reasonable item of his choice may also be delivered in the same way. No drawings, pictures, or books are to be brought within 10 feet of SCP-xxxx without express permission from Dr. █████.

Description: SCP-xxxx appears to be a man about 1.5 meters in height who is inside a painting. He can move to any other painting, drawing, or book (as long as the book has images on the cover or within the book itself). He can also take things from nearby paintings as long as their intended appearance would weigh within his carrying capacity(Note: He can lift about 87 kilograms). He can see anywhere within the confines of his painting and outside of it as if he was looking through a window. He describes the transition from illustration to illustration as simply "just walking over to it".

He was found in a book named "Autonomy for dummies" living in a picture of a farm. He is very cooperative and is willing to comply with facility staff and claims he is grateful to have been discovered, that he was really sick of eating carrots. When interviewed about his life he claims to have lived a fairly normal life until waking up in the book.