
Item #: SCP-1635

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1635 is to be isolated within a 6 m x 6 m x 6m airtight cell, coated with no less than two (2) inch thick silicone. Daily checks are to be made to inspect for cracks, holes, or imperfections. All staff entering the containment area are required to wear military-grade gas masks. If any voice can be heard progressing from the cell, staff must exit containment area 245d for no less than twenty four (24) hours and alert the nearest security personnel immediately. The cell itself will then be recoated with silicone. Checks will be made on the cell every hour until the voice has ceased for a minimum or forty eight (48) hours. If the voices continue passed this period of time, all on-site staff present during the incident must report for psychiatric evaluation weekly for no less than 2 months. Dr. Blackwell should be contacted immediately following any incident regarding SCP-1635.

Description: SCP-1635 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 1.9 meters in height. Subject has gray translucent skin, dull white eyes, and no visible body hair. Most of SCP-1635's body structure is similar to that of a human, with differentiating factors. Its muscle mass is notably higher than that of the average human, however this is not evident from its feeble and thin appearance. It prefers to remain stationary in the center of its cell, but when SCP-1635 is active, it is known to trash its body against its cell. This activity has been deemed not a threat, and should be ignored by all staff present.

SCP-1635 does not have a mouth and has not moved since its containment on ██-██-20██, which gives the impression that it has no form of audible communication. SCP-1635 has the ability to communicate to any living being within a 50 yard vicinity when the being's respiratory system is unprotected.

SCP-1635 is shown to communicate by secreting a colorless gas through its pores which enter the subject's respiratory system and eventually reach the subject's brain. After five (5) minutes of exposure, the subject will be able to talk to SCP-1635 through a telepathic link. Only the subject can hear SCP-1635's voice, and be able to communicate with it. Class-D personnel exposed to the gas have described the voice as calming and enlightened, yet familiar. The voice will give the subject wisdom and advice until twenty (20) minutes of exposure. At this point, SCP-1635's voice will mutate to replicate that of it's subjects. It will mimic the subject for anywhere between five (5) minutes to three (3) hours. Without warning, SCP-1635 will cut the telepathic link between itself and its subject. This sudden metal break causes cerebral trauma varying from a minor concussion to total nervous system failure. In all subjects after conversation with SCP-1635, the vocal chords chords have been severely damaged, rendering them useless and resulting in the subject unable to speak.

SCP-1635 appears to enter a melancholy state after breaking contact with its subject, showing remorse for its actions. It is thought that SCP-1635 does not wish to harm its subject, but simply wishes to communicate.

SCP-1635 was initially recovered from the accident site of Chernobyl, Ukraine, on ██-██-198█, following reports of approximately ██ tourist fatalities linked to the urban legend of "сірий людина" and its power with "глас божий". The entity did not resist arrest, and showed no activity until Agent McCarthy was seen attempting to talk to the unresponsive creature, causing SCP-1635 to activate its psychic link with said agent. SCP-1635 was detained while holding the body of Agent McCarthy.

Addendum 1635-01:
Note: I find it necessary to mention that as of ██-██-20██, some on-site staff during incidents regarding the cell have heard a separate voice coming from the interior the container. Scans have shown no secondary life signs inside the cell. The staff members insist that they hear a secondary voice, similar to that of SCP-███. A request to interview SCP-███ on the situation has been issued, currently awaiting reply.
- Dr.Blackwell