The Jester
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Item #: SCP-xxxx

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-xxxx is to be kept inside a small padded cell that is roughly twice as big as it, and is to be confined in a small straight jacket at all times to restrict any movement. During feeding, personnel are instructed to wear gloves and restrain from making direct skin contact. To begin feeding, a small knife is used to make an incision around SCP-xxxx's mask near the mouth, and a personnel will insert a long spoon into SCP-xxxx's mouth, feeding it small amounts of raw ground meat.

Description: SCP-xxxx is a bipedal humanoid with a thin layer of skin tightly wrapped around its bones. It is roughly the size of a young child, measuring 3.56 meters high, but has a weight of 30.2 pounds. It's skin is a bright yellow color, with little to no indication of blood in it's skin. It is very hazardous, and if it gets direct skin contact with a human, it's skin will release a "laughing gas" that will cause the subject to laugh uncontrollably, until they can no longer breath and shortly after suffocate. It has a small jester's hat and a leather mask stitched onto it's face and head using a thin copper wire. The hat and mask have molded into SCP-xxxx's head and seem to be organic. When SCP-xxxx is being fed, the mask will "heal" shortly after, leaving no trace of an incision of any sorts. It seems to have a basic understanding of English, but due to its mask, its attempts of communication are barely audible.