The Stranger Harry

Item #: SCP-3330

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3330 is a top hat back from 1989 British top hat and should be kept on a small black pillar made out of stone. When worn if you speak to the hat it will reply after a while of you talking to it it will recognise your speech and say "hello"when it hears the voice, if it starts to talk about being free from the facility you always NEED TO take it off. If you do not not then you will start gaining madness and start to do some of the easiest stuff wrong e.g. Walking on your arms.

Description: If you still don't take the hat off you will start to suffer/do all of these

•Madness, kicking everything, punching everything, knocking over everything in the containment chamber.
•Forgetting, starts forgetting your name, where you came from, how to walk, how to move, how to speak etc.
•Suffocation, subject will start to suffocate in a matter of minuites… the subject will drop dead.

Addendum 01

//This is an interview of SCP-3330 and the Interviewer: Dr. ██

<Begin Log>

Dr. ██: Hello, SCP-3330.
SCP 3330: Hi! I haven't heard from you for months what took so long?!?
Dr. ██: Well I'm really sorry I was busy with other tests.
SCP 3330: Oh well you are here now hey want to hear about all my plans and hopes?
Dr. ██: Oh alright.
SCP 3330: Alright my hopes are to break out of gate a, do you think you can help me?
Dr. ██ then removes the hat and puts it back on the pillar.
Dr. ██: Phew that was a close one.

Addendum 02
Incident report

//Incident report involving Dr. Sixes, D-2910 and SCP-3330

<Begin Log, [optional time info]>

Dr. Sixes: D-2910, please put on SCP-3330

D-2910: You've got it doc!

D-2910 puts on the hat.
Dr. Sixes: Please describe how you feel.
D-2910: Eh nothing much I just feel like I'm wearing a hat.
Dr. Sixes: Okay, please say "Hello" to the SCP.
D-2910: Hello, SCP-3330.
SCP-3330: Hi! I haven't had a class-d for days!
Dr. Sixes: Do you feel anything now?
D-2910: Nope.
SCP-3330: Hey do you want to hear about my dreams?
D-2910: Doc, what do I say?

Dr. Sixes: Uh say yes.
D-2910: Yes please I would like to hear about your dreams.
SCP-3330: Well I want to get out of gate a can you help me?
D-2910 Yea of course!

Dr. Sixes: Hey hey! Stop that your going to get yourself killed!
D-2910 started to feel mad, he then started kicking everything in the room.
D-2910 lost all hope and all his thoughts, he is forgetting everything.
SCP-3330: Thank you! Oh wait I'm still here.. dam it's a hoax!
D-2910 then dropped dead on the floor from suffocation.
Dr. Sixes Oh crap he's dead…
Dr. Sixes entered the CC and put SCP-3330 back on the pillar.

Addendum 03:
Interview with SCP-3330 and Dr.██.

//This is an interview of SCP-3330 and the Interviewer: Dr. ██

<Begin Log>

Dr. ██: Hello, SCP-3330 we meet again.
SCP 3330: Do you remember yesterday when you put me back, I don't think we can be friend anymore…
Dr. ██: Well we were never really friends
SCP 3330: How dare you
Dr. ██: I'm sorry bu-
SCP 3330: No buts! Just leave me alone!
Dr. ██ then removes the hat and puts it back on the pillar.
Dr. ██: Oh god I might of screwed up this one..