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SCP-3321 before containment

Item #: SCP-3321

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3321 is contained in a sound-proofed object containment locker when not being tested. At least one microphone must be placed no farther than 8 cm away from SCP-3321 at all times. When SCP-3321 is to be examined, military grade ear protection must be worn unless other procedure is requested. Currently, SCP-3321 is kept in a level 2 container at Site-19.

Description: SCP-3321 is a █████████ brand electronic toothbrush. SCP-3321 does not require a known power source to function. Upon closer inspection, SCP-3321 is made of an unknown material, as samples have yet to be tested. Researchers assume it must be a hefty substance, as it has proved to withstand massive volumes of sound. SCP-3321 has been observed to turn on by itself when there are no personnel in its presence. However, whenever testing is underway, SCP-3321 has only been observed to activate when used by subjects. (Except for one incident) Upon activation, SCP-3321 begins to vibrate, producing sounds of up to 172 dB. Despite SCP-3321's sentience1, it cannot move in any way, shape, or form. As of now, there have been no reported fatalities due to SCP-3321. SCP-3321 is now considered dangerous, and should not be interacted with unless proper protocol is followed.

Notice: SCP-3321 audio and testing tapes can only be accessed by official personnel by ███████ ██ ██ ████ ████ at Site 19, unless publicly released.

Testing: SCP-3321 has been found to be extremely lethal due to the multiple accounts of subjects dying after coming in contact with SCP-3321. Testing found that in normal conditions, more than 3-5 seconds of exposure to SCP-3321 in its activated state will usually lead to death.


Public Audio Recordings
SCP-3321 Active 1/1
~*2:34*: SCP-3321 activating autonomously~

The audio recording above has been altered to prevent public harm and/or damage.