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SCP-2470 in 1944

Item #: SCP-2470

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2470 will be kept in a sealed vault. All transmissions are to be monitored closely for all signs of change. Any intelligible speech will be recorded for archival purposes.

SCP-2470 is to be kept in facility ██████, where it will be kept underground, in an electromagnetically shielded room in order to prevent further transmissions. The object itself seems completely safe, but any personnel working on the device or observing it will be kept behind ballistic protection due to the possible instability of the device's power source and its makeshift construction. For similar reason's, personnel will wear level A Hazmat suits due to the risk of radiation leakage.

Due to the threat of infiltration, two guards will be posted at all times, and the device will only be tested on or observed by those with authorization from the site director.

Under no condition is the device's systems to be tampered with, even for purposes of testing, due to the large risk of destroying the device or causing a detonation of the device's anomalous power sources.

Description: SCP-2470 is a radio transmitter of German origin, approximately finished on December 28th, 1944. Most records detailing its exact construction, origin or any other real details were burned when the Red Army captured the city of Königsberg, where the device was believed to be created.

What is known is that it was created by German scientist and SS officer, Obersturmbannführer Hellmuth Werder. Dr. Werder himself has been a fugitive from authorities since ██/██/196█, when he and several other scientists, previously recruited by the United States as part of Operation Paperclip, went rogue and disappeared, stealing several items of potential value, including SCP-2470.

Dr. Werder is the sole remaining fugitive, with Dr. ███████, and ███ ████████ being recruited into the Foundation, and Dr. ███████, ███████████, and █████ being captured or killed by government authorities. Although his location and status is still unknown, Dr. ███████ revealed the location of a possible safe house of Werder, which was raided on ██/██/196█. Several SCP class items were retrieved, among which was SCP-2470.

American authorities, when Dr. Werder was still participating in research for the government, were unable to find any use behind SCP-2470, which had seemed to be a regular, one way radio. The item was sealed away along with other items captured from the Germans in a facility in ███ █████, Arizona, and was largely forgotten until its theft.

The item was broadcasting a highly encrypted frequency which, when deciphered by Foundation cryptologists, was revealed to mostly be transmitting a transmission largely made up of gibberish, with large amounts of static, warbled tones, odd ticks and beeps, German (in what seems to be Dr. Werder's voice) and oddly enough, ancient Hebrew.

Once again, the item was almost sealed away and forgotten when an investigation into several of Dr. Werder's diaries, which were captured in his safe house, revealed many oddities which had previously been missed by Foundation researchers.

The first of SCP 2470's anomalous features are its construction. Upon initial inspection, the machine seemed to have been hastily constructed from second-grade materials, most likely due to material shortages that German featured towards the end of WW2. Several add-ons have been made over the years, including ramshackle attempts at repair and improvement.

However, despite its apparent hasty construction, the device's power core is of a design never before seen in German, or Human, designs. The exact make of the core is highly anomalous, operating on what seems to be most similar to modern fission power. However, the device creates energy far in excess of what even the most hypothetical reactors could generate, and certainly much more than is necessary to power the device, with an excess of 2,000 megawatts.

At the same time the power core is much smaller than any fission reactor we could possibly produce, approximately the size of a soda can. The design of the power core is not of German make, consisting of sleek black metal of an unknown make, which seems to be of a density far above that of steel, with a clear, glass like material showing a transfer of plasma in the reactor. Despite its apparent strength, dents are clear, and light cracking (that doesn't fully penetrate the material) is visible along the 'glass'.

The only thing odder than the alien power source is the transmitter itself. The radio itself seems to have been made by the Germans, but has several pieces from items of alien make. While the radio transmits normally and uses an average amount of power for a radio of the time, the additions seem to take up an amount of energy in excess of 600 megawatts. Their purpose seems to be the hastening and focusing of radio waves. The waves transmitted from SCP-2470 effectively move faster than light thanks to these additions.

What exactly the device is transmitting, or why, is not clear. Diary entries from Dr. Werder show that he saw the device as some sort of last hope, but exactly for what purposes are unknown. Theorist's believe that Dr. Werder hoped the signal would somehow summon a force to stop the Soviet advance, but without the scientist who 'created' the device, it is impossible to know for sure.

As for the device itself, records indicate that a German expedition into the Middle East discovered ancient ruins near Caesarea in what is now Israel, and found the alien portions of SCP-2470 there. Although the foundation has been unable to locate the location of the ruins, several photographs taken by the expedition have survived. A photograph of a Hebrew tablet, when translated, mentions a falling comet and a messenger from God.

Due to the constant transmission and nature of its invention, SCP-2470 can be summarized as a beacon, but for what exactly, is not completely known.

Addendum 2470.1: 12/12/1977 break-in

On 12/12/1977, 10 days after the last notable transmission from the device, an attempt was made to destroy the object. An unknown man, believed to have been Dr. Werder, infiltrated the facility under the guise of a Foundation scientist. Dr. Werder informed the guard for the group of presumably inert SCP's that SCP-2470 was stored with that he was authorized to test the object, showed proper credentials, and then entered the room with the device.

Dr. Werder was caught on tape approaching SCP-2470 and tampering with the internal systems. While Dr. Werder was tampering the device, the guard, Pvt. █████████, feeling something was wrong with the situation, radioed to his superior, Sgt. █████, about the test. After a brief investigation, Sgt. █████ realized that no test had actually been authorized, and the facility quickly went into alert.

Pvt. █████████ attempted to stop Dr. Werder but before he could, the doctor revealed a SIG Sauer P220 semi-automatic pistol and shot Pvt. █████████ in the chest twice, before finishing him off with a shot to the head. The doctor then shot the security camera, and, most likely with help from the inside, managed to escape the facility.

Dr. ███ ████████, who had been one of the rogue scientists recruited into the Foundation, was found to be behind Dr. Werder's authorization and, after a two month long chase with Foundation agents, was successfully terminated. Dr. Dr. ███ ████████ was interrogated prior to his termination but revealed little, speaking cryptically and refusing to divulge any information unless under extreme duress. Little information was discovered that was not already known before his expiration. It is unknown who assisted Dr. Werder in his escape, as Dr. ███ ████████ was not present in the facility at the time.

Upon investigation of the device, it was found that the doctor had been attempting to short-circuit the device's power system. How exactly he had planned this is unknown, but Dr. ███ ████████ claimed that the destruction of the device was a 'necessity', and that if Dr. Werder had succeeded, it would have self-destructed, causing a blast rated at approximately 30 megatons.

Why Werder had wished to destroy the device, which his diaries suggested was some sort of obsessive pet project, is unknown.

Addendum 2470.2: 12/02/1977 transmission

On 10/2/2015, the 12/02/1977 transmission reached, due to the transmission's exceptional speed, the galaxy APM 08279+5255. More specifically, the super massive black hole in the center of it. Approximately one week after, a return message soon began arriving. The message was simply a repeat of what had been sent, however, the voice was not that of Dr. Werder.

The return transmission has been getting consistently closer, and will most likely reach Earth on 2024. Satellites have been unable to see what exactly is sending the return transmission, despite repeated attempts. In light of this, SCP-2470 is to be sealed away to prevent further transmission, and agents will begin searching for Dr. Werder or any further hideouts he may have had.