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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a 3X3X3 meter air-tight containment cell composed of pure iron. SCP-XXXX should not come into contact with anything containing carbon unless given permission by staff with level 4 or higher security clearance for testing. Containment cell is to be check for wearing daily.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a 1 kilogram mass of a tar like substance. It will stay in it's dormant state until it comes into contact with any substance containing carbon. Once contact is made with carbon it will exit this dorment state and proceed to envelope and consume the object turning it into more of the tar like substance. Once fully consumed the creature will try and shape the new tar to the most advantageous limbs and body stuctures for it's survival.If the consumed item is a living animal it will shape itself to mimic what it consumed. The creature seems to lack all senses except touch and a element based sixth sense. Any pieces removed from SCP-XXX will lose anomalous properties. SCP-XXXX seems to have entered a "starving" state since it's capture as it has been more opportunistic when looking for carbon.

Addendum XXXX-A: This creature would be catastrophic if it even gets out for a second. It needs to be a priority in any containment breaches to come.

Addendum XXXX-B: Our recording devices have picked up what seem to be SCP-XXXX speaking even though all it's other actions appear to be instinctual. Further testing of intelligence needed.