tomode SCP
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-X is to be contained within a vacuum-sealed chamber surrounded by two layers of faraday cages insulated against seismic activity and supplied by Site-X’s failsafe geothermal power generator. The chamber is to be monitored by infrared sensors and all radio transmissions from the subject recorded and submitted to the necessary screening process.

The screening process consists of:
Computer analysis of raw transmission data using the Jaeger system, a program designed to analyse audio files for memetic triggers and known infohazards.

Playback to a designated monitor, a D-class whose hands and tongue have been surgically removed. This D-class must have fully functional hearing and be thoroughly restrained during transmission playback, so that they cannot drown out or muffle the transmission contents. Twenty-four (24) hours must then pass under observation. If any anomalous behavior is witnessed during this time the monitor is to be terminated and the transmission deleted. Given the wait time required and the frequency of SCP-X broadcasts, this requires that there be a minimum of twenty-four (24) designated monitors at all times.

Forwarding to a random individual on a list of one hundred and fifteen (115) personnel of at least level-4 clearance including high-level researchers, site directors and Overseers. The receiving individual is then required to listen to the file within the hour and ascertain whether the information within the transmission is too sensitive to be studied.

If so, and if the individual was previously unaware of this sensitive information, they are required to self-administer a class-A amnestic and delete the file. If not, the file is to be transmitted back to Site-_, where it can be studied by researchers.

Any failure in the faraday cage resulting in a wide-scale SCP-X broadcast constitutes a stage-4 containment breach, the reaction to which must be directed by at least three (3) members of the O5 council.

Description: SCP-X is the corpse of a radio host which formerly hosted a political talk show from _ _, TX. During its’ life SCP-X was widely known as a fringe personality prone to conspiracy theories, however on // Foundation personnel based in the state were alarmed to report wide-scale and in-depth knowledge of classified Foundation operations among fans of SCP-X's programming. Standard aerosol dispersal of amnestics was fortunately sufficient to prevent further spread of information, but upon examination of previous shows it was found that SCP-X exhibited detailed knowledge about numerous classified projects by the Foundation, the GOC and the Chaos insurgency, including several the Foundation itself was previously unaware of. SCP-X was immediately designated a POI and brought in, shortly after which its’ anomalous properties were discovered and it was given an SCP designation.

SCP-X exhibited the capability to receive a sudden influx of new knowledge on any topic it thought about at the first second of every hour. However, in twenty-two (22) out of each day’s twenty-four (24) events, the information received was at best factually incorrect, and at worst completely logically inconsistent and implausible. Only two (2) events per day produced information that was correct and accurate, although even in these instances it often lacked important context and supporting information. Given this lack of context and the questionable nature of the knowledge received, SCP-X often developed extreme paranoia and hostility towards subjects of its events (Researcher's note: this phenomenon was ascertained to be purely psychological in origin).

Although many proposals were made as to how SCP-X could be used to advance the Foundation’s knowledge of hitherto-unknowable subjects, extensive research failed to find any discernible pattern or order for which events would produce correct information and which would not. While incorrect events were usually easy to discern in fields where rationality and common sense held sway, those concerning abstract and complex subjects such as extradimensional, psionic or temporal SCP objects often required diligent employment of procedural elimination and the scientific process to uncover.

While alive SCP-X demonstrated no knowledge of its’ own capabilities and insisted that it was no more special or intelligent than any other individual, explaining its’ anomalous knowledge of certain topics by claiming it was “the only one who asked questions”. During initial containment SCP-X demonstrated extensive knowledge -and hatred of- the Foundation and similar organizations. After containment was established, the threat of SCP-X receiving information regarding the Foundation and related SCP objects was vastly increased, given how preoccupied it was with the organization that had incarcerated it. Application of class-C amnestics and subsequent misdirection as to the nature of SCP-X’s containment were under consideration when incident X-4 occurred.

Incident report X-484:
On // researchers opened the chamber of SCP-X to find the subject lying in a blind spot of the monitoring cameras, having opened it's own femoral artery with it's fingernails and scrawled over its' body in blood before expiring. The cause of this behavior was found to be a previously eliminated memetic phenomenon, the infection vector of which was present in the subjects’ scrawlings. All personnel who witnessed the writing were subsequently terminated and SCP-X’s body cleaned before being sent for dissection and study.

Twenty-four hours after the subject's expiration, at the first second of the next hour, SCP-X’s body began emitting radio transmissions in the same frequencies that its’ previous show broadcast at. These transmissions constituted radio shows spoken in the subjects’ former voice and style, beginning with an apology for its’ absence before discussing details of its’ containment by the Foundation. These transmissions were confirmed to be received by civilians outside of Site-_ and mass amnestic dispersal was again required to suppress knowledge of the Foundation while SCP-X was moved to its’ new chamber and the new containment procedures enacted.

Since then, SCP-X’s broadcasts have begun without fail on the first second of every hour, having an average length of fifteen minutes and now being concerned solely with the Foundation. While it remains the case that only two (2) per day contain accurate information, given the previous fame and influence of the subject even an incorrect broadcast could alert the public to the existence of anomalous objects, groups of interest, or the Foundation itself.

Reclassification to Keter requested, and denied.