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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be stored at Site-19 within storage cell 85. It should be bolted to the floor at its base using steel jackets, so as not to perforate SCP-XXXX itself.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a natural stone archway measuring 4.6 meters in height and 2 meters in width with a central gap measuring 4.3 meters in height and 1.4 meters in width at its widest.

When an organic material or being passes through SCP-XXXX they are transported instantly to a location hereafter referred to as SCP-XXXX-B. A stone archway identical in appearance to SCP-XXXX is present at the point within SCP-XXXX-B where those travelling appear. This archway is designated SCP-XXXX-A. Passage through SCP-XXXX-A has been found to instantly transport organics into the mouth of SCP-XXXX.

Inorganic objects which pass through SCP-XXXX do so without transportation. As such, clothing, food, water, and testing materials are incapable of being passed through SCP-XXXX during human testing, and test subjects should be prepared to forage for sustenance during long test periods. Subjects preparing for testing should be screened for inorganic materials such as pacemakers, dental fillings or orthodontic screws.

SCP-XXXX-B is an expansive meadow measuring approximately 512 acres in area. Grasses, wild flowers, trees, and other vegetation grow seasonally throughout its surface. A large number of the plant species present within SCP-XXXX-B appear to be endemic, and have yet to be discovered elsewhere. There are no recorded incidents of fauna being discovered within SCP-XXXX-B.

Human subjects who enter SCP-XXXX-B report a soothing mental effect often described variably as a total lack of discomfort or a feeling of oneness with their surroundings. This effect has been noted to fade instantly upon exit and create withdrawal.

At the center of SCP-XXXX are two trees, approximately 610 meters above which a luminous, burning sphere (designated SCP-XXXX-C) is suspended by unknown means. Estimates place it at approximately one and a half meters in diameter. The trees themselves appear to be abnormally large, but otherwise ordinary, apple trees approximately 35 meters in height.

All humans who approach within 1,349 meters of the trees from any direction, and all inanimate objects thrown past that threshold, are instantly incinerated. Post-incineration vapor has been shown to be mildly hazardous to human respiratory function and should be avoided.

Recovery Log:

SCP-XXXX was excavated from a concealed valley in the Taurus mountain range on a lead produced by folklore investigation force MF-2. Review of the surrounding area showed no notable abnormalities. Amnestics were deemed unnecessary, as the SCP had retained a mythological status.


Experiment XXXX-1

Test parameters: Doctor Olyev and assisting team of 4 C-class personnel mounted an expedition to the closest perimeter of SCP-XXXX-A in order to determine what lies beyond.

Test results: As a compass or radio communication device could not be taken, and involved personnel were unfamiliar with SCP-XXXX-A's terrain, the experiment's duration lasted several weeks longer than was expected. A rescue team comprised of twenty-five C-class personnel trained in navigation and cartography was dispatched. Doctor Olyev and the rest of his team were discovered at the westernmost perimeter of SCP-XXXX-B, which was blocked by a continuous line of forest found to be impervious to passage.

When questioned as to why his team had not returned after reaching the target zone, Dr. Olyev replied that it 'wasn't important.' All involved returned without incident. Dr. Olyev and 4 assisting C-class subjects requested repeatedly that they be assigned to another long-duration incursion into SCP-XXXX-B.

Miscellaneous notes: At the command of the site director, all personnel previously assigned to testing in SCP-XXXX-A are permanently barred from further testing. An investigation into possible cognitohazardous effects of SCP-XXXX-A is to be carried out at a later date.