Mayday's Other Box
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SCP-3654 being lead to Naval Site-821.

Item #: SCP-3654

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: While in Foundation Containment, SCP-3654 should be thoroughly inspected. All deviations from the baseline should be recorded. Following this inspection, staff are to make every repair to the vessel that they are capable of within the time-frame of SCP-3654's appearance. Any personal effects, wall and deck markings, or constructions found within the vessel should be recorded but left undisturbed. At least a two days before the vessel's predicted disappearance, it should be refueled. Additionally, munitions, food, and other necessary supplies are to be placed on the deck in a visible location.

Staff must begin patrolling SCP-3654's expected emergence location1 three days before the predicted time of its re-appearance. If the vessel has not been found within a week, the search should be expanded to other parts of the Bonin Islands. Should a civilian vessel discover SCP-3654 before Foundation staff are able to, the civilians should be given class-B amnestics, and any logs or recording equipment should be confiscated. Once the vessel has been found, it should be moved or escorted to Naval Site-821

Naval Site-821 has been constructed on the island of Otōto-jima for the purpose of tracking SCP-3654 and performing its repairs. Maintenance staff assigned to Naval Site-821 should be knowledgeable on the repair and restoration of naval vehicles, particularly those used during World War 2. All time-keeping devices on Naval Site-821 are required to be digital and connected to an external system that ensures the displayed time is accurate. It is suggested that all time-keeping devices should be replaced every three months, budget-permitting.

Description: SCP-3654 is an alternate-reality World War 2 patrol torpedo boat with the designation 658 painted on the side. The vessel displays wear indicating several decades of continuous use, with a number of pragmatic upgrades to account for this, such as palm wood replacing a number of doors and a primitive resin sealant being used to patch a few minor leaks in the hull. Additionally, one of the Browning machine guns on SCP-3654's deck has been replaced with a Japanese Type 97 aircraft machine gun, while the other was simply modified to use a different size of ammunition. Chalk tally marks have been noted next to the defensive turrets.

The interior of SCP-3654 has living quarters for eight people. Personal effects within the vessel indicate it is crewed by the equivalent of American soldiers, however the language present on the written documents and signage is in an as of yet undeciphered language. Analysis of the symbols indicates it may have a similar structure to Anishinaabemowin2, but no other significant progress has been made. Maps found in the captain's quarters indicate SCP-3654 is or was part of an invasion force planned for mainland Japan. It was originally assumed that this invasion force was the equivalent to baseline reality's "Operation Downfall"; however, further study of the plans revealed a significant difference. This operation appears to focus on escorting a special vessel to Japan. The significance of this vessel is unknown.

The primary anomalous trait of the SCP-3654 is a cycle of existence and non-existence, each lasting for approximately 28 days. This period of time is currently believed to relate to the lunar cycle of vessel's native reality. When the vessel disappears, no living organic matter will transport with it.

While SCP-3654 is present in baseline reality, the passage of time within its immediate vicinity appears to become more fluid. This effect only extends approximately 250m from the vessel. Individuals within this field become less conscious of the passage of time, and will often become confused when asked a question pertaining to the current date or hour. When analog clocks are within this field, their hands will shift erratically shift. Both hands of these time pieces move in different manners. The minute hand always appears to point towards the vessel, similar to a compass; whereas the hour hand moves based on the distance between the timepiece and SCP-3654. While within a few meters of the vessel, the hour hand will point to 12'o'clock, and shift backwards as the device move away from the boat. All effects caused by this time distortion dissipate upon leaving the affected area.

SCP-3654 was first discovered in 1978 by a civilian science vessel that was exploring the Bonin Islands. At the time, it was heavily damaged, with two of its engines nonfunctional. The vessel was covered in makeshift camouflage, composed of packed mud and decaying plant matter. An initial search of SCP-3654 revealed a pile of crushed clocks and partially burnt calendar pages.

Addendum 3654-1: Notable changes to SCP-3654 or the items within it have been recorded and listed below.

Date: ██-██-1980
Notes: Bunk #7 was found emptied of personal effects save for a picture of a soldier, several bottles of alcohol, and a small pile of dried tropical flora.

Date: ██-██-1980
Notes: The chalk markings next to the defensive turrets increased dramatically, rising from an average of 6 marks to 27 marks.

Date: ██-██-1982
Notes: A note was found wedged near the vessel's wheel. It contained symbols and pictures that appeared to request munitions and food. The containment procedures were appended to include these materials following a testing period.

Date: ██-██-1982
Notes: Following the implementation of including rations when SCP-3654 disappears, another note was found near the vessel's wheel. The pictures depicted crude drawings of Japanese boats on fire, and the image of a clock.

Date: ██-██-1983
Notes: A sundial, composed of a palm trunk with chalk markings, was found on the deck of SCP-3654

Date: ██-██-1983
Notes: The sundial was found missing, but the markings remained. Investigation of the ship revealed the palm trunk broken into pieces and hidden under Bunk #8.

Date: ██-██-1985
Notes: Multiple crewmen on the ship appeared to have moved their sleeping quarters nearer to the engine. A chalk line was drawn halfway between the bunks and the new sleeping area.

Date: ██-██-1991
Notes: The captain's quarters were found ransacked. A destroyed pocket watch was found in the center of the cabin.

Date: ██-██-1991
Notes: A barrier constructed of palm trunks with metal bars was blocking access to one of the cargo areas. Multiple bullet holes were found in the barrier. Behind several of the cargo containers, a paper calendar was discovered, with a large number of dates randomly crossed off.

Date: ██-██-1998
Notes: Multiple shrines and pyres were discovered in burnt or semi-burnt states throughout SCP-3654.

Date: ██-██-2009
Notes: The interior of the ship became covered in a massive amount of hand drawn clock faces, calendar pages, and symbols from their written language.

Date: ██-██-2014

Notes: SCP-3654 was found in a small cove and appeared to have been intentionally scuttled. A large dark-brown stain, later discovered to be blood, was found in the center of the deck. The vessel has not moved for all subsequent manifestations.

Addendum 3654-2: On ██/██/2016, it was discovered that while SCP-3654 was in the process of manifesting, it is possible to board the vessel and look at its surroundings through any glass or clear surface attached to the boat. When its surroundings are viewed through this method, they will differ from baseline reality. This state only exists for 37 seconds before SCP-3654 fully manifests. It is currently believed that this view is the vessel's native reality.

What researchers have seen during these viewing events differs each time, and don't appear to be occurring in linear order. The most recognizable difference between the baseline and viewed realities is the presence of a large number of crashed planes and military ships on the islands. Multiple events have also revealed the presence of a massive, heavily damaged, conical device floating 1.8km from shore. The exact nature of this device is unknown, but in at least one viewing event, it appeared to have originally been stored on the deck of a naval transport vessel. Several events have also depicted a few japanese fighter planes suspended in the air around it.

The last major difference between the baseline and SCP-3654's reality is the moon. The viewed reality has a moon that appears to have undergone a significant geological disaster. Multiple large cracks have been observed across its surface, and several viewings have shown the moon to have multiple portions missing. At least one viewing event has shown the conical device firing a grey beam of an unknown energy into the sky.