Tripp Davis (Draft 1)
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Item # : SCP-XXXX
Object Class : Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
Public Access to SCP-XXXX is prohibited at all times, anyone whom enters SCP-XXXX’s area are to be detained and given Class A amnestics and sent back. SCP-XXXX is to have two layers of privacy fences placed around its area with the second fence having barbed wire and being electricfied and have a warned sign outside the first and second fences both to keep potential entrants of SCP-XXXX away. SCP-XXXX should have 5 of its on site security personnel keep the entry road into SCP-XXXX blocked at all times away from the general public.

Item Description
SCP-XXXX is a farm located in ████, Georgia in North ███████ discovered in ██/█/1989 when Agent █████. Whom had been put in a local police department had been receiving reports of 6 citizens all of whom went missing one night after heading to SCP-XXXX and not coming back within a week.Within a 48 hour period Agent ████ had investigated SCP-XXXX’s area and found only one trace of a body outside SCP-XXXX-B which seemed to have been ripped apart by ████. SCP-XXXX was then within 2 weeks put under containment and all persons who had been sent in the police force to investigate the missing persons within SCP-XXXX were given Class-A amnestics. SCP-XXXX consists of 4 Main Areas/Structures Of Unknown interior size. SCP-XXXX is to be kept away from the public and to be designated Outpost-█████ and is to have 70 personnel only on site at times. SCP-XXXX’s areas are currently attempting to be researched and classified. SCP-XXXX seems to show the ability to gain and use knowledge as a single being whenever killing a person or animal. This is shown in exploration 2B after D-8228’s death in which SCP-XXXX had shown to make a room in SCP-XXXX-B containing a room similar to that of foundation site-██ and new objects appearing within SCP-XXXX-A such as a orientation leaflet for Class-D personnel. Investigation of SCP-XXXX must be permitted by someone of level 3 clearance or higher.

SCP-XXXX’s areas include

SCP-XXXX-A is one of 3 houses within SCP-XXXX. On the left half of SCP-XXXX-A contains an exterior of rotted wood and on its porch contains a small rusted,white, two person swing that is predicted to weigh 18 LBS. SCP-XXXX-A contains multiple windows on its exterior but they do not show the interior of SCP-XXXX-A. The interior of SCP-XXXX-A has little footage of its interior, but has been known to contain multiple memetic hazards. SCP-XXXX-A also contains multiple vehicles and items on the outside of its exterior. When coming in contact upon lead to 7-16 red appendages coming from the ground and proceeding to assault that of whom touched it, leading to death immediately after followed by the body being eaten and sinking into the ground never to be seen again. After this process occurs new objects which are believed to have been relevant in some way to the victim of SCP-XXXX’s attack will occur to appear and form. SCP-XXXX-A has been predicted to have a 38.93 percent chance to develop in its group of items living beings. Whenever a living being is formed it is to be killed on site by security personnel. SCP-XXXX-A seems to be a form of stomach for SCP-XXXX.

SCP-XXXX-B is a white house showing no effects done on its paint job, made of wood and brick and seems to be fairly new and shows no signs of hostile effects. SCP-3775-B shows a more calm and less hostile nature upon entry with the frontal windows of the structure being able to see the inside of what looks to be a normal home but, this has been proven not to be the actual interior. SCP-XXXX-B has 3 cars outside of the main structure that are non-accessible. Upon entering SCP-XXXX-B a voice greets the person whom enters SCP-XXXX-B and given three pathways to choose from along with a option of two drinks containing unknown substances. To see exploration logs of SCP-XXXX-B check Exploration Log 1B for more Info. It is believed SCP-XXXX-B acts as a form of brain for SCP-XXXX.

SCP-XXXX-C seems similar in design to SCP-XXXX-B with the rotting look of SCP-XXXX-A, SCP-XXXX-C shows a mix between hostile and non-hostile effects. SCP-XXXX-C unlike the others contains no vehicles and looks to show a forest nearby designated SCP-XXXX-D. SCP-XXXX-C shows to have two sheds to its left side out behind it that a rotted and filled with unknown materials and flesh presumably coming from SCP-XXXX-D. The interior of SCP-XXXX-C seems to be a mix of modern and past era design. Upon entry of SCP-XXXX-C users report hearing a voice in their head attempting to force them into doing certain actions. This voice seems to call itself by the name,”Haxon,” the origin of this name is unknown and has not been seen on most records. SCP-XXXX-C seems to act as as general place for storage of memories collected by victims of SCP-XXXX-A and SCP-XXXX-D.

SCP-XXXX-D as mentioned before contains a blue mist similar to SCP-███ but in a less serious fashion and coming in at random intervals of time and unknown creatures known as SCP-XXXX-D-1 which range from extremely hostile to friendly and collective. Upon entry of SCP-XXXX-D the user will be put into a forest larger than it’s looks. Foundation range finders show it going as far as 20 KM.SCP-XXXX-D also contains a creek and river along with a large pond. SCP-XXXX-D contains many thought to be extinct animals and plants going all the way back as far as 80 MYA and they range in hostility. Multiple sightings of what seems to be a creature similar to SCP-████ have been reported by foundation research staff taking samples from the forest. The reported creature stands at 9 Foot tall and the body is covered in fur along with it seemingly to be a large humanoid. This creature is thought to be extremely hostile in nature as of evidence shown by D class Personnel whom were sent in to communicate with it


Exploration Log 1B
D-8228 was used during this experiment and monitored by the Staff of Site 2 for 3 hours before contact was lost

<Beginning Log>
D-8228: Can be seen being mounted with the camera on his head and a survival kit as well
Researcher ████: “Okay you can enter now”
D-8228: He Nervously enters as the voice can be heard
SCP-XXXX-B: “Well Hello traveler, settle down and take a drink, we have one of three rooms awaiting you”
D-8228: He seems to be more cheerful as D-8228 grabs one of the two liquids on a table nearby the three doors, D-8228 can then be seen drinking the liquid and showing a more energetic attitude as well as being seemed to be more motivated
Researcher ████ : “Okay D-8228 please choose a door”
D-8228: Showing enthusiasm, D-8228 opens the door on the right and it shows a room. decorated in a Victorian Era fashion. A creature of unknown species is seen and looks over at D-8228 before slowly approaching and dragging 8228 through multiple rooms. Only to then to begin chopping off the ██████ with what seems to be a bonesaw and eating it. At this moment D-8228 can be heard screaming in pain as the camera cuts out only leaving the audio on. 8 minutes go by and within 4 minutes the screaming stops, at this point D-8228 is presumably dead
Researcher ████: Can be seen “Vomiting” fluid, presumably by a possible hazard seen on the footage of the word [Hazard Expunged] written in what seems to be human excrement and flesh
<Log End>

Exploration Log 2B
Exploration is done by on site security team alpha who volunteered for the operation. By this point in time D-8228 has been missing for 48 hours. Security team alpha consists of 4 members. For this mission they have been armed with modified AR15 Assualt Rifles, P250 Pistols, Survival Kits, flashlights, audio transponders, cameras for live viewing, Basic Security Department Armor, and modified helmets with hazard blockers.

<Beginning Log>
STA-Cap: “Okay Team check in”
STA-2: “STA-2 checking in”
STA-3: “STA-3 checking in”
STA-4: “STA-4 checking in”
STA-Cap: “Okay we’re good, arming up outside XXXX-B as ordered right now, you seeing what we’re showing command”
Outpost Command: “Loud and Clear, we as well are seeing all feeds and your are cleared to go in and attempt to find D-8228’s remains or what’s left of his gear”
STA-Cap: “Understood,” the team enters the structure as SCP-XXXX welcomes them, two drinks are now replaced by 8 lined up on the left and right sides of the table in groups of 4. No members of the team take a drink and enter the right door as D-8228 did in exploration 1B. The room seems to be that of the canteen room in Site-██
STA-4: “Damn what is that thing,” STA-4 then points to what seems to be a pile of flesh and bone in the right corner of the room.
STA-3: “I don’t know, this place seems familiar, command you seeing this”
Outpost Command: “Yeah, mind taking some samples”
STA-Cap: “Not at all Command, STA-2 go get a sample”
STA-2: STA-2 nods and pulls out a bag and test tube walking over to the flesh and bone. STA-2 then proceeds and collects 4 samples and begins storing them in his bag before moving forward to a table.
STA-Cap: Is seen observing the room before soon seeing a door. The door looked like that of the site doors most foundation facility’s had. “Door, there lets get moving,” STA-Cap says pointing to it and moving forward with the team. The team then walks into another series of rooms before seeing an entity similar to that of the one associated with the death of D-8228. STA-Cap signals the squad to arm up and fire on his command
Outpost Command: “STA-Cap your are authorized to open fire on the entity, please kill it and take the body back outside for observation”
STA-Cap: Nods and gives the go signal for his team to shoot the creature.
Anomalous Entity: Looks over at the squad and let’s out a small roar before rushing
STA-3: “Jesus Christ Kill the damn thing now!”. The team can be seen opening fire as the cameras cut out leaving only audio as the gunfire soon stops and so does the audio.
Outpost Command: “STA you there, report in!”. Silence occurs for a few more minutes as the audio and feeds cut back on followed by STA exiting the structure with the body
STA-Cap: “Reporting in, we came back after the damn mics and cams cut out , dragging the body in for inspection at the outpost now
Outpost Command: “Affirmative”
<Log End, Time █/█/1998>