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Item #: SCP-2687

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2687 is to be kept in a 5m X 4m X 3m air-tight glass room, with an opaque wall separating SCP-2687-A and SCP-2687-B. Once per week SCP-2687-A and SCP-2687-B are to be fed a bucket of ink by D-class personnel, SCP-2687-B is to have a guard stationed by its enclosure while being fed. SCP-2687-A is to be interacted with once per day by D-class personnel. Monthly cleanup of ink spills is mandatory. The enclosure is to be kept at 70°F, as temperature changes affect the health of the subjects drastically.

Description: SCP-2687 is a child-resembling creature made of an unknown kind of ink. It stands at 91.44 cm in height. Its exact appearance and personality varies depending on how it was drawn and coloured, but all instances of SCP-2687 seem to have detached fingers and wings that levitate constantly, as well as no apparent feet. When levitating, ink has been observed dripping off of SCP-2687’s legs, and a notable side effect is that during the week both SCPs decrease in size. Once a week, both entities must have a bucket of ink to eat. It is believed that this is a way of replenishing themselves, as they return to normal size as they feed.

SCP-2687-A is a brightly coloured specimen resembling a young girl. It is a friendly specimen and has proven no resistance to any tests as of yet. When questioned as to how it feels about its containment, it responded by say that it’s “just listening to [it’s] owners”. Apparently it has adopted the D-class that drew it as its “main owner”, with the scientists and guards as its “other owners”, and knows nothing of the outside world. It has been observed to refuse attempting escape any non-airtight spaces without being told to do so.

SCP-2687-B is a black-and-white version of SCP-2687-A. Unlike the former subject, this one is aggressive and acts similar to a wild animal, but it is capable of speech. It claims to have no owners. It has been observed being able to escape through any non-airtight containment by turning into a liquid form. If it is able to without consequence, it will attack anyone who comes into its containment area. So far no fatalities have resulted, but those attacked have reported coughing up ink for several days.

History: On █/ █/██, a package containing one (1) package containing SCP-2687 and Document 2687-a was sent to [REDACTED]. Attempts to find the original sender have proved non-resultant.
Document 2687-a:

“New from Doctor Wondertainment, DOODLEPALS™!
The friend for artistic children! ™
Creating Your DoodlePal™:
1. Get out your DoodlePal’s Sketchpad™ and your DoodlePal Markers™ and start drawing on the base of your DoodlePal™. Make them look however you want! And don’t worry if you’re not good at drawing, they’ll look like how you imagined them soon enough! Make sure they’re nice and colourful.
2. Once you’re happy with how they look, take your picture and put it in a dark room for an hour. Your DoodlePal™ will peel themselves off the page soon enough!
3. Once they’ve peeled themselves off the paper, give them some ink to eat! A pen will do just fine, or you can buy Doctor Wondertaiment’s DoodlePal Ink Smoothies™ for them. Your DoodlePals are just babies right now, but in a few weeks they’ll be a lot bigger!
4. Take good care of your DoodlePal!
Parental Notice: Do not let your child make a black-and-white DoodlePal for your family’s safety. By reading this document and making a DoodlePal, you forfeit all rights to lawsuits, organized boycotts, etc.
~Dr. Wondertainment”

Addendum: A D-class personnel was assigned to create SCP-2687-A with the instructions of creating a very colourful specimen. Within an hour of putting the finished sketch in an isolated room, SCP-2687-A peeled itself off of the paper as Document 2687-a said. Upon confirmation of its creation, Researcher ███ began interviewing it.

Interviewed: SCP-2687-A

Interviewer: Researcher ███

Foreword: The entity was only a third of its current size at the time of the interview.

<Begin Log>
███ kneels down in front of the subject. The entity yawns and looks up at her.
███: SCP-2687-A?
It nods energetically.
** SCP-2687-A:** That’s me~
███: I’m XXX. Welcome to the Foundation.
** SCP-2687-A:** Ink??
It points to the pen that ███ is holding. ███ willingly gives up the pen, and the entity sucks on the tip of the pen until it has eaten all the ink inside.
<End Log>

Closing Statement: >SCP-2687-A willingly went to its containment room and is rather cheerful, especially around the D-class that made it.

The experiment was repeated, except that the D-class was instructed to make a black-and-white version of the entity, thus creating SCP-2687-B. An interview was attempted.

Interviewed: SCP-2687-B
Interviewer: Researcher ███
Foreword: Before ███ could speak, SCP-2687-B stole the pen from her hands and sucked on the tip until the ink was gone. It then proceeded to crouch defensively over the empty pen, much like a dog defending food.
███: SCP-2687-B. That was rude.
It hisses at her aggressively
*███:** So it’s gonna be like that, is it? Come on, be nice.
███: SCP-2687-B, please. Stop having a hissy fit.
** SCP-2687-B:** No touch!
Closing Statement: SCP-2687-B was taken to its containment by guards. Upon seeing the first entity, SCP-2687-B attempted to eat the other. The two were quickly separated without injury, and are now in separate containments with an opaque wall between them.