twinb27's Sandbox
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SCP-XXXX, photographed in the evening.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Senior researchers and Foundation personnel are currently managing investigations into the nature and extent of the anomalous properties exhibited by SCP-XXXX. Until definitive conclusions are reached, SCP-XXXX is to be entirely quarantined. Inhabitants of SCP-XXXX are prohibited from leaving the perimeter of Containment Site XXXX-Kimlat for any reason, or making contact with those outside the perimeter of Containment Site XXXX-Kimlat.


SCP-XXXX is a small town in northern Minnesota with a population of 9,359. A perimeter, designated Containment Site XXXX-Kimlat, has been erected around it to prevent unwanted entry or exit. At apparently random intervals an 'extermination event' occurs and results in the sudden death of a portion of the inhabitants of SCP-XXXX. These deaths occur simultaneously, though by different means between victims. Some deaths are by apparently natural causes (e.g. heart attack, stroke) while others are apparently accidental (e.g. electrocution, traffic collision). As of the time of writing, seven such events have been documented. Few determinations have been made about the timing of these events or the commonalities between victims, but a few notable conclusions have been reached by researchers.

  1. The number of deaths have ranged from 12 to 64.
  2. The events occur at unpredictable times.
  3. As the interval between events increases so do the number of resulting deaths.
  4. Victims are clustered among households and social groups, with occasional outliers.

No cause has been determined that triggers extermination events, nor have any methods of predicting or protecting victims. Study of SCP-XXXX remains a high priority for Foundation researchers with the hopes that future human loss may be prevented.

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