
SCP-XXXX – Undercover Cups
Object Class: Safe

One cup in the set of SCP-XXXX-01

Containment Procedures: All found instances of SCP-XXXX are to be kept in boxes standard containment lockers at Site 19 when not being tested. Due to the nature of SCP-XXXX, all storage containers are to be soundproofed.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a collection of 9 cups consisting of one set of 3 teacups, 2 pairs of cups, and 2 individual cups of various materials and sizes, and appear to be from different time periods. Cups are designated by their sets as SCP-XXXX-01, SCP-XXXX-02, etc.

  • SCP-XXXX-01 is a set of 3 ceramic tea bowls. Their designs are consistent with Japan’s edo period.
  • SCP-XXXX-02 is a pair of disposable paper cups, similar to the kind found at water-coolers.
  • SCP-XXXX-03 is a pair of matching “Number One Parent” mugs, reading “#1 Mom” and “#1 Dad” repectively. They appear to be the most recently made, dated to approximately 20██.
  • SCP-XXXX-04 is a pair of oversized plastic teacups. They appear to be pieces in a children’s playset.
  • SCP-XXXX-05 is a wooden ceremonial goblet bearing markings in an unidentified language and various symbols of unknown purpose.
  • SCP-XXXX-06 is a wine glass with elaborate acid etching. The glass is dated to be from the late Victorian era.

When a cup from a set in SCP-XXXX is placed against the ear, and sound is transmitted through another cup in the same set, the sound can be heard in the other cup. This affect is maintained through walls, and there seems to be no limit to the distance of effect, though the longest recorded distance is ████ kilometers.

SCP-XXXX is able to transmit all sound in the room, but seems to amplify voices into the receiving cup. This allows for conversations to be clearly monitored by the receiver. Transmission however, can only be heard when one cup is placed against the ear and contact with the head is made, meaning only one individual can receive the transmission at a given time.

On ██/██/████ a package containing SCP-XXXX, was found on the doorstep of [Data Redacted] a Foundation front organization. Taped to the box was a handwritten sign reading "INCOMPLETE SETS. FREE. PLEASE TAKE." Testing has confirmed that pieces in the incomplete sets are scattered across the world, and attempts to bring the missing pieces into Foundation custody is considered a matter of security. Foundation personnel in contact with SCP-XXXX are advised to work under the assumption that their words are being broadcast at all times.