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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: All Redfern-class (Hereon abbreviated as R-class) memetic agents that are currently dispersed are to be evaluated bimonthly for changes in properties. R-class memes that are stored within a host's mind rather than within static media are to be evaluated for changes prior to dispersal. If any discrepancies found are sufficient to prevent the meme from functioning correctly, dispersal may be cancelled or, if necessary, amnestics or counter-memes administered.

Due to the fact that R-class memes are essential for multiple critical containment projects, their use cannot be discontinued at this time. The department of Memetics and Cognitohazards is conducting research to find a suitable replacement. There is currently no projected date for the project's completion.

Description: SCP-XXXX is an anomalous phenomenon affecting R-class memetic agents1, a standard carrier meme used to distribute memetic agents among populations. SCP-XXXX manifests as unexpected changes to the properties and effects of an R-class meme while it resides within an infected population. Changes most often accelerate the meme's spread and dampen instinctive responses of infected persons. The rate of alteration is inversely proportional to negative duration of infection, represented by Mackie's Formula2

SCP-XXXX exists as a gradual change. For the ease of identification it has been classified as five incremental stages with distinct identifying features. (Note: descriptions of effects assume a Redfern-class Non-Transmissible Carrier meme3 )

Stage 0 (0 days): No change from original properties.

Stage 1 (~36 days): Changes are detectable during in-depth psychological analysis, but do not meaningfully impact performance or function of meme. Common symptoms of stage 1 include slightly increased tendency to transmit meme through appropriate media, marginally reduced dexterity and precise motor control, and small unexpected shifts in vocabulary.

Stage 2 (~95 days): Changes begin to be immediately noticeable to personnel with memetics training. Meme function is slightly altered, but typically not significantly enough to jeopardize objectives. Meme may now be transmissible through another form of media. Symptoms of previous stage are amplified. New symptoms include mild obsessive thoughts (typically unrelated to meme) and reports of sporadic mild auditory hallucinations.

Stage 3 (~212 days): Changes are noticeable to untrained persons. Memetic agent is now compromised to the point that field use should typically be aborted. Symptoms of previous stage are amplified to a greater extent. Loss of fine motor control is now sufficient to impact day-to-day life. Involuntary muscle twitches are commonly present.

Stage 4 (~563 days): Effects are immediately noticeable to untrained persons and to subject. Redfern-class memetic agents deployed in the field must be recalled prior to reaching this stage. As well as previous stage symptoms, subjects report involuntary coordinated movements and occasional involuntary speech. (see Addendum 2 for list of recorded phrases from subjects)

Stage 5 (due to the asymptote of Mackie's formula existing at $s=5$, it is mathematically impossible for stage 5 to truly occur. The following data is collected from subjects that have been infected for upwards of 1000 days): Subjects experience near-total loss of free will and consciousness. Movements and speech still take place involuntarily, despite severely limited ability to receive stimulus. Changes to involuntary speech also occur, see addendum 2. Heavy amnestic treatment is required to recover subjects, and approximately 30% retain brain damage and some mental alterations.