Vanson's Sandbox
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Item #: X

Object Class: Euclid Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-X is to be protected as a wildlife preserve would be, including a four (4) meter tall barbed wire fence. At a minimum, the fence should have a radius that is 100 meters larger than the affected area. Field agents disguised as park rangers are to discourage civilians from entering and escort out civilians who attempt to trespass. These measures are taken so as not to arouse suspicion from the public.

Description: SCP-X is located in a seemingly non-anomalous region of forest located in southern ██████, USA. The forest's vegetation are consistent with what would normally be found in its geographic region and biome, however, no animal life or signs of animal life have been sighted in the region. The total size of the entity is approximately 148 square kilometers. The forest's woody-stemmed trees are collectively referred to as SCP-X.

SCP-X's anomalous properties can be seen upon the examination of the inner layers of the vegetation. Instead of sap and water being transported through the xylem stems, animal blood and other venous contents such as platelets are present. Similarly, fruits of fruit-bearing plants are full of blood and mucous, and wounds on woody stems heal over with platelet scabs and expel pus. The blood in the vessels is entirely deoxygenated, and performs the same functions as the water that non-anomalous plants contain, such as transporting protein and hydrating extremities. The vegetation has not been observed to perform photosynthesis, so it is unknown how the plants obtain these nutrients. No other anomalous properties of SCP-X have been observed.

Over a period of several months between 02/02/20██ and 07/14/20██, SCP-X's xylem vessels converted into animal blood vessels. It is now hypothesized that instances of SCP-X obtain oxygen for metabolic functions as opposed to carbon dioxide, as arteries carry oxygenated blood from the leaves through the stems and trunks, capillaries are present in the roots, and veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the leaves. It is still unknown how instances of SCP-X obtain nutrients.

Similarly to the instance of xylem converting to blood vessels, the fibrous parts of the vegetation have been converted to animal connective tissue or tumor-like tissue. As of 11/01/20██, only the leaves and bark of woody stems of SCP-X instances remain plantlike. If the trend continues, it is hypothesized that SCP-X will eventually entirely be composed of animal tissue. It is still unknown how instances of SCP-X obtain nutrients.

As of 3/15/20██, the leaves of SCP-X have converted to small masses of alveoli and bronchi, encased in sacs of pleural tissue. These sacs vaguely retain their original leaflike size and shape. The sacs also inhale and exhale, much like animal lungs.

As of 9/01/20██, the bark of instances of SCP-X have converted to keratin, similar to fingernails. As of the aforementioned date, all instances of SCP-X have become fully comprised of animal tissue. It is still unknown how instances of SCP-X obtain nutrients.

On 9/06/20██, tests were conducted on samples of SCP-X. The tissues were found to belong to an unknown species. The DNA sequences of the samples showed that the species is in the order Perissodactyla.

On 5/10/20██, four (4) instances of SCP-X were found to have traces of bone tissue in their roots. It is unknown why this extra tissue formed.

On 6/30/20██, a small grove of trees on a property approximately 13 kilometers from the site of SCP-X were reported to be leaking blood from their trunks. Instances or SCP-X is hypothesized to be caused by an airborne virus. Object class changed to Keter. Field agents are to be replaced by MTF units and security protocol Lambda-05 is to be enacted.

On 10/11/20██, three (3) instances of SCP-X uprooted themselves from the ground using their roots as legs. MTF units shot at one of the mobilized entities and successfully killed it. Its body was transported to Research Center 08 for testing. Tests on the infected tissue show that the virus is of an unknown species, so there is no cure.

The mobile instances of SCP-X are very passive and docile in nature. No attempted containment breaches have been attempted thus far.