VctmEric | SCP-3094 - Vivicontinentis

I mistakenly posted this originally on the wrong forums page, and it was a real terrible SCP that I wrote, but after getting fed some incredibly constructive and helpful feedback, I think I fixed all the issues that were making this bad.


SCP-3094's 43rd recorded child dissected at Bio-Research Site 24 (In the editor, this image is not showing up? What am I doing wrong?

Item #: SCP-3094

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3094 is to be kept in a refrigerated 4.26 x 5.2 inch chamber with temperatures set to at most 1.6°C. Under no circumstances should SCP-3094 be withdrawn from this chamber unless if in the instance of testing procedures. SCP-3094's offspring are to be taken to Bio-Research Site 24, and additionally contained in a refrigerated cell in the time between examination and dissection.

Description: SCP-3094 is an organism which contorts its body with its calcium based shell and feet like appendages at it's substructure, in order to integrate with its location. No file that currently exists shows evidence of SCP-3094's origin, original form or even describes what it looked like, but it is presently taking the structure and appearance of a 2016 Lime LaCroix can. SCP-3094 has an asexual reproductive mechanism, which involves self-impregnation, followed by releasing seed like projectiles into the area around itself. These seeds grow to roughly the size of an egg and offspring will soon hatch from them, taking 2 - 3 weeks to fully and properly develop. Somehow, developing these offspring does not require soil, nutrients or liquid of any kind, and appear to feed off oxygen and outside gases. SCP-3094 proceeds to rest in a somewhat insentient tone. However, its offspring have been witnessed and reported as extraordinarily agressive and confident, sometimes even deliberately harming personnel, even in the most serene of physical contact. SCP-3094's children have been reported to somehow jump upwards and attach themselves onto fingers and toes, snapping down and severing them off. This defense mechanism is often unpredictable and happens within matters of seconds, making it near impossible to avoid. SCP-3094's can formation appears to build up massive body heat, often putting stress on it and it's offspring, sometimes even harming it. Refrigerating SCP-3094 has been proven to stimulate it's nerves and senses, often sedating it or putting it into a state of suspension. SCP-3094, as well as its offspring, does not exhibit a biological need or longing for nutrition, fluid, or vitamins of any variety and has rejected all of those listed general necessities. Additionally, SCP-3094 has at no time been observed releasing bodily fluids, not even sweat, making how it survives as a living being still remain a massive enigma.