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SCP-1953 in contaiment

Item #: SCP-1953

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1953 is to be kept in a secure storage room at Site 19. Only personnel with clearance higher than Level 2 may access SCP-1953.

Description: SCP-1953 is the collective name given to ██████ brand vodka sold in the Soviet Union from 1930 until 1937. SCP-1953 was recovered following a raid on █████████ in Yakutsk, Russia to recover [DATA EXPUNGED] seized during the Cold War. Agent ████ consumed a portion of SCP-1953 and displayed abnormal behavior following the raid. SCP-1953 was transported to Site 19 following the raid. 1214 bottles of SCP-1953 were recovered. At the time of writing, 1212 bottles of SCP-1953 remain in storage.

The liquid inside SCP-1953 appears red in color. Subjects who consume SCP-1953 describe a taste and smell similar to wheat, blood, steel, and most interestingly, khinkali, a popular Georgian dish. Upon consuming SCP-1953, subjects immediately gain a sense of common collectivism and will perform laborious tasks at 150% of normal capacity. Subjects appear exceptionally well versed with activities that include agricultural labor, heavy industry maintenance, and construction. Subjects show a much higher respect for authority and will perform any actions upon command. Subjects also exhibit high pain tolerance and willingness to sacrifice in order to achieve a goal or action. Regardless of personal disposition, subjects exhibit views on individualism similar to authoritarian socialism.

SCP-1953’s effects last until natural death or termination on anyone who consumes the liquid. Use on D-class personnel has been approved. Use on non Class D personnel is grounds for termination.