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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe (pending possible reclassification)

Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-XXXX are to undergo psychological evaluations both weekly, and before and after every operation in which they are deployed1. A consultant artificial intelligence engineer is to be present at all times whilst a psychiatrist is evaluating the subject. All relevant data is to be supplied to the psychiatrist.
Each subject is to be evaluated by standard MTF psych-eval guidelines.

If the subject fails the evaluation at any time, their personalities are to be wiped and reset to default. All memories of previous operators and operations are to be expunged from the subject’s memory.
All data pertaining to hardware and combat protocols are not to be expunged without express orders from authorised command personnel.
In the event that hardware and protocol data has to be expunged, the unit is to be kept out of operations until the weekly synchronisation and system update.

All instances have protective measures installed to prevent manual theft, theft by operation, sabotage, or loss in the field. As these systems require no action by Foundation personnel, they are stored in an optional file.

Description: SCP-XXXX refers to a series of powered exomusculature suits produced by the ‘Aegis’ Initiative that began to exhibit anomalous properties during development. These properties were deemed to be either be benign, beneficial, or an acceptable drawback5, and so development was allowed to continue.

The O5 council called for accelerated production of greater protective equipment for Foundation operatives in early 2009, after a number of factors made it clear that current technology was no longer effective or appropriate. These factors included the human population boom in recent decades, the drastic speed of technological advancement starting in the early 2000s, the increase in (or increase in detection of) anomalous entities, and unacceptable casualty rates of MTF teams.
The primary factor driving the O5 to this decision, however, was the loss of SCP-████ to GOC ‘PHYSICS’ operatives during a skirmish in the winter of 2008.

The ‘Aegis’ Initiative was the result of this decision. Development lasted four years, and the first suits were deployed to unanimous mission successes6 circa June 2013. Development and improvement has continued indefinitely as more data is collected from field use7.

The earliest prototypes were originally reverse engineered from captured GOC PHYSICS suits8, combined with technologies and data on anomalous entities possessed by the foundation.

It was deemed that MTF operators were too precious to be used in prototyping ‘live-fire’ tests, and thus D-class9 were assigned to wear the suits during these tests. Fatality levels were high, but acceptable.

Circa January 2013 the Foundation [DATA EXPUNGED]. This resulted in the greatest technological advance in the project since the development of the [REDACTED] in the third year of research.

Whilst there are multiple specialised variants of SCP-XXXX (henceforth referred to as ‘Aegis Frames’ or ‘suits’), each with unique equipment, all are built upon the same modular SCP-XXXX-0 ‘MkIV Skeleton’ series Aegis Frame10, colloquially referred to by MTF operators as ‘Birthday Suits’ when lacking in other modular components.

As such, all suits that come under the designation of SCP-XXXX share the same anomalous properties.
• The operating system of the suit has achieved full sentience resembling a human consciousness to an unprecedented level11 that has never previously been seen in Foundation-produced A.I12. The variant of the standard ‘Longinus Pattern’ quantum-computer installed in the suits is not rated for the spontaneous creation of artificial intelligences.
It is theorised that [DATA EXPUNGED] alongside other present auxiliary systems is the cause of the reliable creation of intelligences. So far, these A.Is have proved tactically effective, so long as their mental health is monitored and kept up to standard. With the right suit assigned to the right operator, the synergy of personalities results in increased operational efficiency.
If the A.I proves uncooperative, their personality can simply be wiped until they develop one that synergises with an operator, or be left blank.
• The internal layer of the suit consists of [DATA EXPUNGED]. It responds to commands from the A.I about internal environment regulation and operator health status, and carries out all commands as desired seemingly without any method of doing so. A.I commands relating to these subjects have yet to fail in all tests and operations outside of hostile action or accidents.
• The suits require no dedicated power source, and can function indefinitely.
This was discovered during an MTF deployment where the fusion cell of a ‘MkIV Longsword’ pattern Frame critically failed after the rear-torso of the suit sustained catastrophic damage from SCP-████. The suit, and all remaining systems, continued to function at full power after the attack. This effect was confirmed after further testing, and fusion cells are now only installed as a redundancy measure.
This effect is believed to be the result of [REDACTED] and the [DATA EXPUNGED] on the inner surface of the suit. This form of anomalous power production has yet to be replicated outside an Aegis Frame.

For continued specifications of SCP-XXXX-0 Skeleton series frames, and all other suit variants, please proceed to section 2.