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SCP-####-1 prior to testing

Item #: SCP-####

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Each instance of SCP-#### is to be wrapped in two layers of bubble wrap and stored in a locked drawer in the Miscellaneous Anomalies section of Storage Site 38. (Two of the 13 known instances under Foundation control have been destroyed; one was dropped while being placed in storage and one was destroyed during testing. See Interview Log ####-003.)

Description: SCP-#### is a small ceramic piggy bank measuring 20 cm x 12 cm x 12 cm. The object is a uniform pink color with painted facial features. A 3 mm by 15 mm rectangular slot is present on the object’s dorsal surface. The word “Malaysia” is engraved on the bottom of object’s front right leg. Inserting coins or cash into SCP-#### activates its anomalous effect, causing the subject to speak a variant of pig Latin. The effect occurs instantaneously, and the subject is apparently unaware of the effect.

Foundation personnel retrieved the first instance of SCP-#### from the bedroom of Jason ████████ of ████████████ , OH on 6/12/20██. After his birthday party, the subject deposited approximately $168 into SCP-####-1, causing him to begin speaking pig Latin involuntarily. After several hours, the subject was not able to control his speech patterns despite being threatened with going to bed early, loss of PlayStation time, and no birthday cake for dessert.

The following day, the subject continued speaking in fluent pig Latin, and his parents began to suspect that he was not merely aggravating them. The subject's parents took him to his pediatrician, who conducted a thorough examination and could find no physical cause for his unusual speech patterns. The subject was subsequently referred to a speech pathologist and a social worker, who independently confirmed the pediatrician’s findings. It was at this time that the parents decided to seek help by going to the local media to explain their story. The subject only acknowledged his unusual speech patterns upon viewing a videotape of his appearance on the “This Morning NOW!” program on W███ -TV. Upon viewing himself on the videotape, the subject became visibly upset and refused to speak to his parents or medical personnel. Foundation personnel questioned the family and confiscated several birthday gifts, including SCP-####-1. Mild amnestics were administered, and the media outlets subsequently reported a full recovery.

Foundation personnel monitoring other local news outlets in the Mid-Atlantic region found similar stories of random speech changes in children between the ages of 9 and 14. Eight instances of SCP-#### were recovered along the East Coast, from ████████ , RI to ███████ , NJ. One additional instance was recovered from a home in ████ ███████, Ontario, Canada. Three instances were recovered from a hospital gift shop in ████████ , Germany.

Analysis of the interview logs determined that the effect of SCP-#### does not affect an individual's ability to write normallly, nor does it affect languages other than English. The effect will attenuate over time, depending on the amount of money being deposited into it. In addition, the effect will transfer to another individual upon destruction of the object. Since the effect seems to be clearly identified and easily contained, no further study on SCP-#### is planned at this time.

Addendum: Additional investigation has found that 60,000 units of SCP-#### were manufactured between 2007 and 2011 at the Future Toy Fun Enterprises factory in ███████, Malaysia for distribution to novelty stores and gift shops in Europe and North America. MTF Phi-Iota-Gamma (“Pork Chops”) has been deployed on a non-emergency basis to retrieve any additional instances of SCP-####.