Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-#### are to be housed in Site 777. SCP-#### instances should be kept in a sound-proof chamber. Instances of SCP-#### must be fed with pectoral and vascular muscles from deceased humans.
Personnel that grew up with both parents are to supervise SCP-####. If no such personnel are available on Site 777, other personnel are to be given enough amnestics that block out their first 16 years of life.
Captured instances of SCP-#### are to be subdued by tranquilizer darts containing 100cc of Valium 10.
Description: SCP-#### is a nocturnal shape-shifting predator possessing avian and humanoid characteristics. SCP-#### possesses reddish-black feathers and stand 1.5-2.3 meters. Instances posses low body density, allowing it to easily take flight and stand on objects with weak structural integrity. Some instances have been documented to have been perched on water for extended periods of time.
SCP-#### is capable of transformation and mimicking human vocalizations. Instances of SCP-#### are able to recreate body language, physical traits, speech patterns, and personality. Instances of SCP-#### are able to transform soon before encountering their prey. SCP-#### instances prefer to imitate a deceased parent of their prey.
SCP-#### will only resemble humans who grew up without a parent or whose parent died at a young age. SCP-#### possess full knowledge of the experiences shared by prey and their family, as documented instances were able to make inside jokes and references that only their prey could understand. How SCP-#### is able to extrapolate this data is currently unknown.
SCP-#### lures its human target, hereby designated as the subject, by reminding them of the positive aspects and valued moments of subject's childhood. Once the subject is within reach of an instance of SCP-####, SCP-#### will implant its talons into the subject's pectoral muscles and lift them █ meters off the ground.
SCP-#### will violently shake the subject until the subject becomes detached from the muscles and falls down. Then SCP-#### will rapidly devour ligaments, blood vessels, muscle, and cartilage until it reaches the subject's heart. Instances of SCP-#### have been documented using subjects' bones as crude utensils to consume the heart.
Addendum ####-a: An instance of SCP-#### was first captured on █/█/199█ at █:██. Thomas Perez encountered SCP-#### in his family residence. SCP-#### assumed the form of Esperenza Perez, the mother of Thomas Perez who died █ years prior to incident. SCP-#### lured Perez. Upon then Perez's father, Agent Perez, entered the premises. Agent Perez immediately spotted SCP-####, where it then fled.
Agent Perez then notified local agents and interviewed Thomas Perez. The interview was inconclusive as Perez went on a tangent claiming "that his childhood was awesome" and "how everything was so much better back in the day". preceding a nervous breakdown. Thomas Perez was administered Class C amnestics.
[[collapsible show="Testing Logs" h??ide="- SCP-#### Testing logs"]]
Test 1
Subject: D-4R53n1Y
Background: Caucasian female who grew up in urban [REDACTED], Canada. Parents were divorced when D-4R53n1Y was 8 years old. D-4R53n1Y claims to have been an avid viewer of [EXPUNGED], a popular show in the 1990's. D-4R53n1Y's mother assumed custody. D-4R53n1Y never encountered father after divorce
Test: D-4R53n1Y was introduced to an instance of SCP-####, where it morphed into a middle aged man. SCP-#### pretends to be reading a children's book in the corner until it hears D-4R53n1Y. . SCP-#### reminds D-4R53n1Y of how she used to grow lima bean plants when D-4R53n1Y was. . SCP-#### promptly turns into its natural form and terminates D-4R53n1Y.
Item Number: SCP-####
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-#### is too be fenced off under the guise of a radiation clean up. Memetic agents are too be dispersed among population within a 25km radius that strongly discourages them from attempting lucid dreaming. All non-Foundation personnel that enter SCP-#### are to detained, questioned, administered Class E amnestics and returned to point of origin. SCP-####-1 instances that are not already under custody are to be terminated with permission from Level 3 personnel.
Staff are to utilize extreme caution when sleeping. All staff who become instances of SCP-###-2 are to be detained and studied until permission for termination is granted.
Description: SCP-#### is an area 10km south of a mountain pass located in east-central Siberia. While SCP-#### possesses unusual amounts of radiation, no harmful effects have manifested among personnel or local populations.
When a human being, referred to as the subject, sleeps in SCP-####, they will experience a lucid nightmare. Most personnel describe being inside a bunker on a beach, with a [REDACTED] on the shore, although specific details may vary. While the subject has the ability to strongly effect the surroundings and [REDACTED], subject's ability will weaken exponentially over time. There are certain limitations to the ability, as subjects report being unable to summon weapons or specific items that could be extremely beneficial. At this point they may encounter instances of SCP-####-1.
SCP-####-1 is the collective designation given to black humanoid figures who appear in the dreams of subjects in SCP-####. SCP-####-1 will usually observe subjects by hiding in shadows or dark areas. While they will not attack unprovoked, SCP-####-1 instances may assault subjects when subjects interfere with objects, when subjects are aware they are [REDACTED], or when an instance of SCP-####-1 has been injured by a subject. When SCP-####-1 successfully overtakes subjects in a dream, subjects will either wake up or experience a coma.
SCP-####-2 refers to woken subjects overtaken by SCP-####-1. Instances of SCP-####-2 will experience complete personality change, disjointed mental thoughts, psychosis, and [REDACTED]. SCP-####-2 will attempt to murder nearby humans not effected by SCP-####-1. An instance SCP-####-2 refers to itself as "we" instead of saying "I". They possess limited communication skills.
Addendum ####a: SCP-#### was discovered in 13/7/1958 when a group of 10 russian researchers visited the grounds of SCP-#### to investigate an abandoned research complex and the odd levels of radiation. The researchers set up camp later that night. At approximately 21:30, they attempted to cut open their tents, [DATA REDACTED] their gear, and escape. All 10 died researchers from knife wounds or hypothermia due to the temperature being -10C.
Embedded Foundation personnel stationed nearby received the news of the dead researchers, where they then dispersed Class E amnestics and contained SCP-####. They discovered
Addendum ####b: As of 30/2/2010, D-####-308 was taken over by an instance of SCP-####-1. Within 24 hours, an interview was conducted with the new instance of SCP-####-2.
Interviewed: [SCP-####-2, formerly D-####-308.]
Interviewer: [Dr. Freeman]
Foreword: [Dr. Freeman attempts to communicate with new instance of SCP-####-2. Dr. Freeman while be represented by F.]
<Begin Log, [18:30:03]>
F: Who are you?
####-2: We are the [produces extremely guttural noise]
F: Why did you take over D-####-308's mind?
####-2: Because we are [produces incohesive vocalization] and desperate to > be in your realm. We lived in such a beautiful, ordered society.
F: For what purpose? Where did you originally come from?
####-2: We had a firm work ethic and believed in close company and hard work. But we soon grew to focus on simple trivial values. We were ignorant of the problems of our world, we neglected it. We simply relied on the entertainment and food of our world. [Produces incohesive noises] where it grew and grew, slaughtering us. We tried to combat, but we were successful for only so long. We looked upon you and your world.
F: What did you do from that point?
####-2: We opened up a doorway to your world, a doorway to get to occupy what you called dreams.
F: But why attack us?
[NOTE: SCP-####-2 remains silent until it suddenly lunges at Dr. Freeman. SCP-####-2 was restrained by security and terminated soon after.]
<End Log>**
Addendum ####b: