Wholeheartedly- SCP-XXXX
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Instance of SCP-XXXX-1 detected through FTM and FCM scripts during Live 8 concert in █████.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-XXXX, all attempts at containing the anomaly have resulted in failure. Thus, its containment is currently impossible.
To avoid contact between Foundation personnel and instances of SCP-XXXX, all security camera systems within the Foundation´s facilities must be analyzed in real time using FoundationTrackMe (FTM), and FoundationCountMe (FCM) algorithms running in a HPC cluster. The site's Technical Researchers will maintenance cameras and HPC clusters monthly.
All foundation activities involving more than 900 personnel requires the authorization of a level 4 Administrative or higher.
In case of a discrepancy between FTM and FCM results, security personnel must locate and terminate all personnel marked by FTM algorithm.
Armed Mobiles Task Forces are to be dispatched to every major human activity involving more than one million humans. These Mobile Task Forces must set up the Crowd Monitoring Protocol A, locate and terminate all individuals marked by the FTM algorithm. In the case of simultaneous detection of more than a thousand instances of SCP-XXXX-1, Mobile Task Force Zulu-1 to 6 are to be dispatched armed with explosive ammunition to terminate all instances of SCP-XXXX-2.
If someone read this I’m Dr. Kevin Müller of Mobile task Force Zulu-3, ID. N° 45503, 1/9/1997 Keyword: "Rosetta".
Description: SCP-XXXX is an unknown number of creatures displaying human appearance and clothing. An instance of SCP-XXXX-1 will appear when the number of people performing the same activity within an enclosed environment reaches the thousand individuals, generally entering the area where such activity is taking place through an unobserved door or entrance. Detected common activities that trigger the event are listed in SCP-XXXX1-Trigger list, however new trigger activities are found and reported weekly by Foundation personnel.

Upon entering the location where the activity is taking place SCP-XXXX-1 chooses a target at random and engages in light conversation. SCP-XXXX-1's most common discussion topics include weather, music and TV shows. How instances of SCP-XXXX-1 are acquainted with human cultural information is unknown. After gaining the trust of the interlocutor the entity will attempt to persuade its target to move with it to a less visible area. Methodology used usually involves inviting to "smoke outside" or "accompany to the W.C.". Analysis of SCP-XXXX-1's activities has shown that the preferred destinations are public bathrooms, hallways, offices and elevators.

Members of the group performing the activity other than the target do not retain memory of the instance of SCP-XXXX-1 once it has gone out of sight. If at any point the target is found enclosed with an instance of SCP-XXXX-1 and no direct eye contact is made with SCP-XXXX-1 by other person, SCP-XXXX-1 will engage the target, restraining all his/her movements. During the restraining phase of the attack, the entity develops up to 12 appendages (reported to be approximately 1.5 m long each) from its hindhead and suffocates the target by blocking the esophagus, making impossible for the victim to communicate or scream. In this instance SCP-XXXX-1 will undergo in a full appearance change. Reports indicate that entities develop "extremely large teeth", "hollow eye sockets" and "a set of spinal bones". At this point SCP-XXXX-1 will start feeding on its target, process that last no more that fifteen minutes. If a person makes visual contact with an instance SCP-XXXX-1 during any phase of the attack SCP-XXXX-1 will instantly disappear, leaving traces of manganese sulphate, cadmium oxide and phosphorous in the area.
I was forced into SCP-XXXX-2's pit on 6/9/1997 during Jean Michel Jarre Operative, the team was able to pull me out but they had already entered in me, now they using my body to create this containment procedure.
The number of instances of SCP-XXXX-1 increases additively with each thousand humans performing the same activity within an enclosed environment. In this case entities generally appear in the area as a group or gang that rapidly split to engage conversation with their targets. It has been observed that in case of mass deserting in the activity, SCP-XXXX-1 will still follow its members as target. Survivors of the attack are not chosen again as targets; however they become sensitive to SCP-XXXX-1 presence rendering them paranoiac. Treatment of survivors with Class A amnestic combined with haloperidol has shown no effect on reducing sensibility.
I'm still here but I'm only able to affect my body subconsciously.
In the case of an activity with a million participants in an enclosed environment the possibility of coexistence of one thousand SCP-XXXX-1 exists. In such a case a new instance of SCP-XXXX will appear, referred as SCP-XXXX-2.
SCP-XXXX-1s must not be terminated. They must kill us. We, humans, asked for it. The Foundation asked for this. That was the deal.
SCP-XXXX-2 has the appearance of a human Caucasian male with distinctive body anatomy, displaying several protuberances emerging from its neck. Analysis of the encounters with SCP-XXXX-2 has proven that protuberances retrieve visual information. SCP-XXXX-2 emerges generally from [DATA EXPUNGED] and promptly engages instances of SCP-XXXX-1, restraining and forcing all of them to a less visible area. No record of the activity between instances of SCP-XXXX-1 and SCP-XXXX-2 exist, however after such interaction SCP-XXXX-2 emerges from the location displaying augmented bone structure and its skin has been found to be bulletproof. Members of the activity disregard SCP-XXXX-2 presence and will not retain memory of the entity during manifestation. After interaction, all instances of SCP-XXXX-1 will distribute themselves among participants following a ritualistic pattern (primarily Ereshkigal and Solomonic).
From this point onwards participants are no longer able to abandon the place voluntarily or involuntarily. Efforts to abandon the place have been described as "tiresome" and "pointless" and attempts to remove a participant of the event by force produces the crowd to restrain and drag them to the center. When no other participant is near, subjects being removed have described a force pulling them to the center that increases with the distance to the crowd. Successfully relocated participants have died minutes later of retrieval of internal bleeding and spontaneous skin/muscle laceration.

Because of the action of MTF-Zulu no full ritual has been reported, however during the longest recorded manifestation of SCP-XXXX-2, off-duty Foundation Researcher Dr. William was able provide an insight if the phenomenon (See report Incident SCP-XXXX-1-9-1997).
Foundation must impede the simultaneous appearance of one thousand SCP-XXXX-2 or SCP-XXXX-3 will come. They want to bring IT to earth.
SCP-XXXX was found in ██/██/████ when site █ Technical Researcher, Dr.███████████, linked site's Security cameras to ███████████ Motion Tracking program. The program was reported to continuously shutdown due an unknown matching error on the amount of Foundation personnel tracked. Visual analysis of the video made by Site's security personnel revealed non authorized individuals appearing from South Wing Area N°██ during morning exercise routine and launch. All non identified personnel were imprisoned and interrogated, however most of them gave little to no information during interview and vanished from their cells next morning. First interrogation of an instance of SCP-XXXX was conducted by Agent █████ ███████ (see Interview SCP-XXXX-1)

Addendum: Instances of SCP-XXXX-1 with the physical appearance of Agent █████ ███████ were found on ██/██/2007 participating of █████████ Rock Fesztivál in Budapest, Hungary alleging to be a software programmer and on ██/██/2013 in the express line of ████ Bank in Urbana, Illinois as an unemployed architect.


The analysis of Foundation's oldest security video tapes has revealed that SCP-XXXX has been around since 19██ and maybe before and doesn't matter how many of those things the Foundation has terminated they keep coming. I'm suggesting starting regular Crowd Gathering Protocols to lure those things up and kill them in mass. Foundation could use China's population to achieve this with success.

Dr. M█████