The Infinity Cord
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be stored in a secure, plexiglass containment cell. The cell is to be monitored from the outside by 6 wireless cameras and is to be inspected for any breaches once a week. Cordage in any form is not allowed within SCP-XXXX's containment cell unless approved for research by O5-█. Under no circumstances is any form of anomalous cordage allowed within 5km of SCP-XXXX.

Description: Description: SCP-XXXX is a heavily tangled mass of blue, 550 grade, paracord found in the basement of the ██████ residents of ██████████, TN. It was discovered after reports of several teenagers and pets vanishing alongside an urban legend of a "haunted basement" that nobody had ever entered and returned from. A night vision recording of several entities, later identified as instances of SCP-XXXX-1, attempting to climb towards the cameraman from below the splintered remains of a staircase was discovered after being uploaded to ███████. Teams were dispatched to confirm anomalous activity and discovered SCP-XXXX and ██ instances of SCP-XXXX-1 trapped in the basement. Upon discovery, SCP-XXXX had coated every surface and amounted to approximately 450kg. It was successfully reduced to a mass of approximately 107kg following containment.

SCP-XXXX is capable of movement and will steadily travel along floors, walls, ceilings and any object in its path. Since containment, it has only moved when it is not being directly observed, although lapses in concentration while observing it directly have allowed unnoticed movement. SCP-XXXX will seek out the nearest form of synthetic or dead biological cordage and tangle with it, enveloping it in its entirety. After aproximately 6-12 hours per meter of material, SCP-XXXX will assimilate the cordage completely, gaining volume equal to the material consumed. SCP-XXXX violates the laws of thermodynamics, only melting and burning between 225C and 400C. It also can only be cut one strand at a time, as cutting more increases density and causes SCP-XXXX to defend itself by bludgeoning and enveloping the attackers as well as utilize any instance of SCP-XXXX-1 to its aid.

SCP-XXXX is capable of utilizing additional materials. It has taken in small, dense objects, formed a casing around them and used them as flails. In the event SCP-XXXX makes contact with a dead multicellular organism, it will envelope and [DATA EXPUNGED] them. When contact with living organisms is made, SCP-XXXX will attempt to envelope the organism while also attempting to strangle or bludgeon the organism to death before [DATA EXPUNGED]. It will then utilize the material it has gained to grow in size, along with utilizing bones for flails and other weapons, including SCP-XXXX-1.

SCP-XXXX-1 are partial skeletons encased in SCP-XXXX that are capable of movement and are used by SCP-XXXX to interact with its surroundings with improved dexterity and strength. These entities will move regardless of observation and can travel away from SCP-XXXX as long as a single "umbilical thread" remains connected to SCP-XXXX. The range of travel seems to have no maximum radius, determined completely by the available mass of SCP-XXXX. These entities are extremely hostile and will attempt to kill all living creatures they encounter, allowing SCP-XXXX to convert them into additional instances.

Experiment Logs: Testing SCP-XXXX's abilities to assimilate a variety of materials. Testing can only be done with approval from a Level-3 Senior Researcher and no more than one meter of material is to be used per test. After testing, added mass will be pruned and melted down.

Test A
> Material: .5m of red 550 grade paracord
> Results: Material was tangled and was observed to gradually fade from red to purple before becoming the same color as SCP-XXXX.
Time taken Less than 1 hour
> Analysis: "It seems that paracord, being structurally identical, takes far less time than any other material. I'm sure the transformation process was just changing the color of the dye." Senior Researcher, Dr. ██████████

Test B
> Material: .5m of copper wire
> Results: Material was coiled, then forcibly bent into a tangled knot.
Time taken 6 hours
> Analysis: "Metal takes quite a while, probably because it's so dense. Thankfully, that means it should take days to weeks to strip the wiring from a building." Senior Researcher, Dr. ██████████

Test C
> Material: 1m of dental floss
> Results: Material rapidly became ensnared and pulled into the mass. Gained mass was not equal in length due to a much smaller diameter of added cordage.
> Time taken: 6 hours
> Analysis: "Interesting…It seems like it's gaining approximate volume, which is good. That means stray hairs can't cause a sizable mass gain." Senior Researcher, Dr. ██████████

Test D
> Material: 1 rat, alive
> Results: Animal walked towards the rope, which remained still, and crawled into it. After 2 minutes, loud squeaking was heard, 1 small instance of SCP-XXXX-1 was observed crawling out of the mass. It was disposed of through luring out of the mass, then severing the umbilical.
> Time taken 8 hours
> Analysis: "Where the [Explicative redacted] did that thing come from? At least we got a live test…I'm going to ask for permission to use a D-Class and see how it works on something large enough to record." Senior Researcher, Dr. ██████████

Test E
> Material: 1 D-Class. 1.7m tall
> Results: Subject waited in the observation chamber for 9 minutes before being abruptly stabbed in the leg from a shard of bone. Subject shouted in surprise and pain, looking around as a rope slowly coiled up his leg. After another 5 minutes, the rope wrapped around the subject's neck, stabbing into a major blood vessel while also strangling the subject. Subject expired after 2 minutes and was rapidly engulfed and [DATA EXPUNGED].
> Time taken 16 minutes until assimilation began. Assimilation took 10 hours
> Analysis: "Well…Muscle fibers are fibers after all." Senior Researcher, Dr. ██████████