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Item #: SCP-X

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-X instances are to be contained on-location upon discovery, with Provisional Sites established as necessary for each instance. Provisional sites are to be staffed by no less than two personnel consisting of one Level-2 researcher and two Level-2 security officers. Additional staff may be necessary in cases where an SCP-X outbreak has occurred. Security officers with no exception are to rotate guard shifts every twelve hours. In the event of a containment breach, covert response teams must be mobilized to survey for any and all new SCP-X instances in a 50 km radius surrounding the compromised instance.

Description: SCP-X refers to two interconnected anomalous items designated SCP-X-1 and -2 respectively. SCP-X-1 is an [~] x [~] acrylic painting depicting a humanoid skeleton clothed in black suit-clothes similar to those commonly worn by door-to-door salesmen in the United States of America during the 1950's. The item's primary anomalous property becomes apparent when a male individual upwards of eighteen years old falls asleep in a room housing SCP-X-1 between the times 21:00-05:00. If the above conditions are met, after a period of approximately five minutes SCP-X-2 will manifest in any dark or unlit space in the room. This can include closets, underneath beds, and behind chairs. SCP-X-2 has on rare occasions been noted to manifest inside small enclosed spaces such as drawers when a room is fully illuminated.

SCP-X-2 is a sapient entity identical to the one depicted by SCP-X-1. Accurate measurements of its height and weight are currently unobtainable, as is a psychological and intellectual evaluation. This is due to the violent nature of the entity; roughly 80% of all communication attempts or disruption of its primary task are met with extreme hostile action on the entity's part. Research into a safe method of interaction is currently underway.

Upon manifesting, SCP-X-2 will move to the location of the sleeping individual while attempting to remain in darker areas. Once it has positioned itself at the side of the bed, the entity will proceed to strip the upper layer of sheets and unclothe the sleeping individual. Once all clothing has been removed the entity then produces a non-anomalous set of four-point restraints, which it will use to immobilize its target, now designated the patient. The restraints are equipped to the wrists and ankles of the patient and secured to the bed's underside. After confirming the patient has been safely restrained, SCP-X-2 will stand beside the bed for the duration of 8-10 minutes, during which it observes the patient's reaction to the restraints.

What happens next has varies between tests following what is theorized to be a complicated selection method. SCP-X-2 will kneel and extend its hand towards the darkest spot underneath the bed whereupon a black medicine bag instantaneously materializes. While the bag retains an identical shape and color in all tests, its contents vary according to the patient's physique.

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