
Item #: SCP-2184
Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-XXXX is currently contained within a granite enclosure designed to resemble a cave 12m x 12m x 15m with an average temperature of 27.5 degrees Celsius at all times. Should the temperature ever rise above 29.4 or below 25.6 degrees Celsius, individuals attempting to enter the enclosure will be denied access until the temperature has been restored to an acceptable level. The enclosure shall receive only 2 hours of light exposure while the remaining 22 hours be spent in complete darkness.

Description: SCP-XXXX was found in a granite cave near the coast of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject is an ape like creature that measures 3.8 meters in height. Although SCP-XXXX seems to have little muscle mass, the subject is capable of lifting roughly 800kg without effort. The subject's arms are very disproportional with its body measuring roughly 4m and unless held up will drag on the ground. SCP-XXXX has a thick scruffy black coat of hair which covers its entire body with the exception of its face which has a round metallic plate which comes to a point near the subject's chin. SCP-XXXX never cleans itself but it's coat remains shiny and soft despite this. There seems to be no facial features except for 4 slits which allow the subject to see through the plate of metal. The type of metal is unknown and can not be removed from SCP-XXXX.

SCP-XXXX although almost entirely black remains clearly visible even when no light is present. The slits within the metal plate appear red when it's enclosure is dark but appear black when light is present. Joints such as the knees and elbows each have a sharp blade-like point which can be retracted when SCP-XXXX is in a comfortable state of being. The subject has long clawed fingers which allow an easy grip onto objects while the feet are round and padded similar to that of an animals paw.

Subject SCP-XXXX shows intelligence similar to that of a human being with the ability to use different tools to assist itself with tasks. The subject appears to understand all human languages although usually shows little to no interest in the speaker and often completely ignores humans entirely. SCP-XXXX has no visible mouth and is incapable of speech. The subject appears to be an herbivore although refuses to eat while being observed so means of consumption is unknown.

SCP-XXXX often sits and stares at a wall, person, or object for hours at a time with no more than a few hours of activity a day. The subject appears to never sleep but will relax itself when it has used large amounts of physical or mental energy.

When put in the presence of an injured individual, SCP-XXXX seems to show a motherly instinct towards the victim and will care for him or her until the individual is back to acceptable health. If an injured individual is brought to SCP-XXXX, the individual will fully recover from all physical damage including torn muscles and ligaments, broken bones, and even damaged organs. SCP-XXXX is incapable of caring for illness or poison and will only care for a single individual at a time. Under normal circumstances SCP-XXXX is docile but will become aggressive if a second individual approaches SCP-XXXX while the first individual is still recovering. The subject will then [DATA EXPUNGED] the second individual leaving him or her temporarily paralyzed. Once the first individual has recovered from all physical injury, the subject will remain uninterested in humans until exposed to another injured individual. SCP-XXXX will not care for any other animal besides a human.

If the temperature is above 29.4 or below 25.6 degrees Celsius for an extended period of time any longer than 36 minutes, SCP-XXXX will become aggressive toward any individual, even those who it is currently caring for, killing them by a means of clawing and [DATA EXPUNGED], then leaving the individual to bleed to death. SCP-XXXX will also become aggressive if any more than 2 hours a day is spent with light present within the enclosure it is held in.

Incident 2184-A: Second Individual
Incident 2184-B: Low Temperature
Incident 2184-C: Light Exposure